
They don’t need to rig the fight. Mayweather will have no need to do anything but defend and counterpunch and McGregor won’t be able to be as aggressive in the ring as he is in the octagon because he’ll be out of his element. It’ll be just like all of Mayweather’s last several fights: judges’ decision with Mayweather

I’m just hoping that McGregor loses his bearings, gets confused about where he is, and kicks Mayweather in the face, right before being DQ’ed.

That’s adorable.

You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.

Which Congressman dove on top of the 2nd amendment to make sure it was safe during the shooting?

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

This is terrible.

This really sucks.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

Do you live in Boston? If so, I don’t know how you can think the pike is worse than 93.

Facsinating! Probably good at times. I have a pretty good handle on my wife’s views, and she stays off the news and then asks me who to vote for when the time comes. It’s my own two-person voting bloc. :)

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? This amazes me.

Yeah. If you still support Trump at this point, you are either a racist fool or a paid Russian racist fool.

The Santa thing gets a lot of play, but I think it’s more significant that she also insisted it’s a “historical fact” that Jesus was white, despite him being a Jew born in the fucking Middle East.

This needs more stars. The media needs to stop putting these nuts on TV,to include all Trumps surrogates. 

I don’t give her that much BOTD.

Fuck her for giving that asshole a platform to spew his filth and bullshit.

Of course there’s such a thing as an easy NBA championship, and you’d have to be willfully obtuse to argue otherwise. If Paul, Harden, LeBron, Durant, and Davis all agreed to take huge paycuts to play together, that team would easily win the NBA championship. 

“The Warriors needed all of it, too.”

I mean, half the league had space to add a max contract, the Warriors did great but (after drafting their three stars) the most important factor in anything they did was having the cap jump ~$20m in one year.