
And Hamilton Nolan made his feelings about the practice clear. The poor decisions made by one’s employer do not, by default, render any viewpoint to the contrary hypocritical or illegitimate. I imagine your employer does things that are on occasion contrary to your views. Mine sure as hell does.

I’m lost on this one. Real Madrid is great, but they didn’t like...defeat the game of soccer itself or something?

It’s almost like Real Madrid are 35% better than any other club in Europe. Coincidentally that happens the be the business tax rate in Spain that they don’t pay.

My nephew Washing Machine makes weird noises and is clearly unbalanced.


I hope it turns into a short sentence.

So would big players unfairly get routing priority at the expense of the little guys? I see parallels to the killing off of net neutrality.

Of course the tax wouldn’t affect businesses. That may have implications for people like Manafort, Kushner, etc. as they move their money through the Caymans on their way to who knows where. Gotta have as much of your cash available when you flee the country.

it’s long been my understanding that anyone travelling back in time from the 21st century would be overwhelmed by the smells, and anyone making the journey in the opposite direction would be overwhelmed by the sounds.

Photo taken at ~6am...

Sweet Jeebus... there’s an alt right of suncreen?

Another dude?

The takes are as hot as you would imagine.

The Baby Boomers last gasp.

This tidbit from ESPN’s story is gold-

What is happening in this country right now? It feels like there is a massive competition going on to see who can screw over the most people and get away with it.

Why would anyone want to leave Manhattan? Oh, its in Kansas? Carry on.

“It may be dumb and spiteful but that young man knows who’s in charge now.”

“That young man was in our program for less than two years.”

That sound you hear is KSU’s legal counsel banging their heads on their desks.