
I mean, it’s all stupid “invest in plastic” bullshit but this:

Jesus was a 33 year old single man in a time period when men and women were married in their early twenties. A single 32 year old man living with his parents? Jesus was gay. It’s all in the bible.

“It’s all in the Bible” is a really nice way of saying “Fuck you, I don’t feel like explaining myself, go look it up somewhere.”

“There is a whole plot in our nation and in the nations of the world...”

“Your thoughts — even medically they’re knowing now — the mind is a battlefield and that’s why I wrote that book Train Your Brain because the mind is, it’s all in the Bible.”

These layoff announcements are getting more and more sudden.

God damn it people, stop buying expensive stocks. Find us some nice volatile penny stocks then we can have real fun!

Or if you have any reason at all to use that space for recreation, and don’t want, among other things, Lyme disease.

Yeah. You’re supposed to root for them to fail because they’re going to be Lakers.

What’s even worse is how those shirts came to be:

When the father is living his dreams out vicariously through his children and making an absolute ass of himself, while using them as his “foot in the door”, then yes, absolutely. For the good of this country I wish for this man to be thrown into the fire, out of the spotlight. It would appear that the only way for

You don’t need to because Big Baller Brand isn’t for women.

I’ve always felt this image summarizes the whole family dynamic perfectly.

As a parent of three boys, I just feel so sorry for those kids because of what their asshole, attention-whore father is doing to them.

That’s Texas for you. The people who actually run AVID get stuck with crap teachers. It is inevitable when you’re in thousands of schools. They can’t tell the district who the AVID teacher is. They just have to put the teachers they get through training and can pull certification for the teacher or district. This

I think the point of this reporting isn’t that some potential bloodbath was averted by the assertion that mercenary contractors were largely unarmed, but rather that state and big business colluding to contract out surveillance, infiltration and espionage on minority citizens to a private corporation is morally and

Let’s be frank - anyone who is murdering civilians in public has a mental illness. Doesn’t matter the color of their skin. That being said, the key differentiation shouldn’t be “does this person have a mental illness;” it should be “does this person’s mental illness mitigate or excuse his or her behavior.” One of

the Big Ballers, which his oldest son LaMelo plays for

Jared Kushner was in charge of a lot of ... highly technologically based voter targeting