
Good player, terrible human. He was Curt Schilling before Curt Schilling was Curt Schilling.

So this is where I’m supposed to give condolences.

If only he had stuck to sports.

62% of males aged 14-15 masturbated in the past year? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. It’s likely that the other 38% didn’t answer as they were too busy masturbating.

I’m in favor of this. Fuck it. Let some of these trumpenfluffers feel the pain they’ve been trying to inflict on everyone else.

(Freeman’s autograph is all fucked up because he was forced to do it with his broken wrist) (kid starts crying again) (Braves give him $500 to not show up at the park any more)

Because they were wearing camo, and in his backyard. It was their responsibility to identify themselves in order to not get shot, not his. Their ridiculous cover was not worth his life.

The Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to own a firearm. This narrative was developed by the National Rifle Association in the late 1970s, out of fear that further gun control laws would eliminate private ownership of firearms altogether.

For 200 years following the ratification of the Second

I figured it was rhetorical since we all know the answer.

He’s trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the US, because that’s what Putin wants.

There are no words for the sheer volume of stupid behind this man.

I hear about of black people, led by dishonest Rosa Parks, are boycotting Montgomery public buses. The back has the best views! Sad!

Not sure if you’re kidding, but just off the top of my head the right has boycotted (or threatened to) Starbucks, Netflix, one of the Star Wars movies, & Nordstrom’s. Boycotting is an equal opportunity move, so to speak.

Stake through the heart.

The NBA is the company here, not the team. They are absolutely free to go play in Europe or Argentina or wherever.

NBA players *choose to play in the NBA*, knowing that one of the stipulations is that they will not have much choice about which location to play in the first couple of years. No different than someone choosing to join an organization which assigns entry level employees to whatever role or location they think is the

In Philly sports fans are anything, it is certainly being understanding and accepting of people like Lavar Ball...I can’t even imagine the amount of negative coverage he would get on Philly sports radio.

And sports have a salary cap too. This is the worst argument against sports ever though because parity is relevant and necessary for the product to be better.

You gotta kick the tires on Josh Jackson, right? He’s shown the ability to hit the glass hard, lock down an opponent, and just knock their lights out if they try to drive the lane.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.