
Even if he did fire in their direction, the fact he had no idea they were there means there was no intent behind it. I bet you’re all for people being allowed to carry weapons and use them for hunting and recreational shooting, yet in this case you think the fact he may have done so was reason for them to kill him.

“At this point, the details begin to blur. An investigation published by the U.S. Marine Corps in the aftermath of the incident...”

It’s legal to fire your weapon on your own property and the marines were camouflaged. Can you intentionally attack when you don’t t even know you have an “adversary”?

And yet no charges brought? Any sort of charges would mean infinitely more than a bullshit letter. If that Commandant actually cared he would have court martialed everyone involved and then resigned in shame for letting all that happen on his watch.

Let’s just assume that the “perhaps he had fired in their direction” wasn’t bullshit (there’s no evidence).

So you are cool with US soldiers murdering a US citizen while secretly deployed on US soil, in an area they consider “unfriendly”? Good to know.

We were recently in Western Arizona and drove a lot of the border area. We saw more border patrol cars on the roads than any other vehicles and we (being white) were waved through every road stop  there. (too many to keep count) It is a strange and sad land with military types everywhere. It hurts us all.

You should really read the whole article. Including the fact that his wounds weren’t consistent with the firing posture he, as a right-handed shooter, would have taken.

“Redford is not a friendly town”

I think the article is trying to insinuate that the marines might have made it all up.

He didnt know they were there and theres no evidence presented that he actually fired.

Yeah, no reason at all.

More proof that hockey doesn’t work in Canada.

why should these pieces of shit be playing golf in Scotland with public money? Why should they even be playing golf on a public course in New Mexico with public money? Ridiculous.

I’m guessing these dummies will get a light slap on the wrist, whereas a kid on an athletic scholarship can get booted if he eats too much pasta...

And legal. And enforced and practiced by the state!

I have a friend who is a lawyer here in Southern CA. She represented a navy kid on a case about a car that was auctioned out from under him and his wife - not a police auction, but.. Readers Digest version -

It may have been a guy speeding with 1/2 a joint in the ash tray. The police probably kept all the money in his wallet as well.

Your recollection of your batting prowess as a little leaguer is outstanding.

Brought in for driving under a suspended license, the Elantra’s starting bid was $2,145.