
Burneko’s become like the Anti-Simmons here, but somehow less objective where his team is concerned, “The only good moment was when my team prolonged the 2nd round by making a common low percentage shot, everything else is butt!”

I do agree with him though that it would be best for the Finals if the crippled Celtics

Exactly. It’s like...

I’m not sure about a publishing house (I know he bought the New York Observer at one point but I think he was a bit older), but I know when he was in his early 20s and barely out of college, his dad got sent to white-collar prison (by Chris Christie- haha!) so Jared became the head of the company. The nepotism in both

Oh come on, Albert. If the Celtics give the Cavs a good series that would be a good thing to watch. Isn’t that why we watch sports?

“Ok, you stand here, in front of this giant mirror. I have to...go somewhere else for a bit, but don’t start changing yet. Wait a few minutes, and take your time.”

“magically balanced out by a huge increase in economic growth” - Yeah, the richest 15% of the country now own 85% of all wealth after decades of trickle up. But if we give them just a *tiny* bit more wealth, they are finally going to start with the pay increases, benefits and other trickle. The only thing that will

And Politico reports that the simpletons who voted for the justice obstructing lying racist ignoramus will be hit the hardest. Vote Repub--slit your own throat.

“The threat of violence is what keeps us polite.”

I disagree. We’re talking about a power dichotomy here, where someone physically larger and stronger applied that force to someone who was smaller and weaker. This isn’t that different from someone who is socially or economically advantaged using that advantage to injure someone who is socially or economically

You cant go around smacking people in the face for saying shit you dont like!!And a woman at that? People were flipping shit over Ray Rice but this is ok?

I don’t like hitting people because words, do you?

Yeah! The NBA used to not be dominated by a couple teams! Continues to cite the 80s and 90s... The Lakers won 5 championships in the 80s and made it to 8! 3 rings for the Celtics and 5 appearances. Sixers and Pistons take one. On to the 90s. Same Pistons team wins 1. Bulls win 6. Rockets 2. Next the Spurs and Lakers

Well it should be easy to get U.S. citizenship. A Turk can get basically anything he wants in this country, provided he’s willing to cut Michael Flynn a half million dollar check.

Yeah, that seems embellished. Her elbow isn’t what hit her head anyway, it was more a brushing with the forearm as in “Get the hell off me”.

You think that’s sad? Check in with him in a couple of years.

He’s in-between shipments?

Pero Antic AND Luigi Datome? This article doubles as a “let’s remember some guys” post.

Dennis Miller, so this is what you’re up to these days.

People aren’t “anti-Russian.” I don’t think anyone is seething with hatred against normal Russian citizens. People are anti-Russia’s leadership, perhaps, or anti-Russian interference into our electoral process. Russians aren’t the subject of hate crimes in this country these days, as far as I can tell.

Yeah. That’s a big stinky non-sequitur.