I saw these games on a few TV’s as I was walking around this weekend and was wondering WTF they were. Are these televised spring training scrimmages a new thing? Wow is the NCAA really trying to wring as much money out of these kids as possible.
I saw these games on a few TV’s as I was walking around this weekend and was wondering WTF they were. Are these televised spring training scrimmages a new thing? Wow is the NCAA really trying to wring as much money out of these kids as possible.
Definitely some bad blood there.
I smell rivalry. Can’t wait until the next time these two teams meet.
It only stuck me last week how... constructed her voice is.
Scuttlebutt is that it had nothing to do with Vegas or casinos. The owners were afraid it might cut into the profits of Jerry Richardson’s proposed Mandingo Fighting League.
She sold homemade lemonade to her domestic staff... That’s the sort of thing villains do in fairy stories, when the story wants to establish that they are in fact a baddie... I hope she didn’t get the maids to make the lemonade first... But I imagine she probably did! The American people are all those maids now.
They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.”
The contest took place at the MGM Hotel and Casino, and the league’s gambling policy prohibits players from appearing at promotional events at casinos.
So Tony Romo is dying and that’s why this is happening?
Raytheon’s CEO is no doubt beating his dick like it owes him money right now.
We may have paid $1.6 million a piece for them, but I’m sure Raytheon will replace them for twice the price.
Watching Rachel fucking Maddow, of all people, applaud the airstrikes last night was fucking appalling.
I’ve never heard this before? So can any white person be racist what about what with a lower power dynamic than blacks? Wait now I just said something racist in an attempt to understand racism.
He will always have his high school diploma to fall back on.
If we’re so slow, how come we caught and enslaved you?
Congress has spent a long damn time abdicating from its responsibility to actually declare war. That’s why they voted on a very open-ended “authorization for the use of military force” back after 9/11. The US hasn’t officially declared war since WWII. Obama brought some kind of war-making resolution on the Syria…
Choosing to start taking drugs is a choice so remember to only take them when you have a magical slip of paper that says it’s ok then stop immediately and don’t ask for help if you’re addicted because we don’t have anything for you. I’m sure you won’t find this messaging confusing, kids.
This is rich coming from an organization that insists on the criminalization of a goddamned plant (mainly to protect its bloated budget) that could benefit many people who end up addicted to prescription drugs...