
I spent 13 years on active duty (2x Iraq, 1x Afghanistan), and got out last year. Seeing pictures of Fifth Avenue fuckwits like this playing war tourist eliminates any regret I have about not staying in longer - and makes me feel awful for my friends still in.

I like how the responses got more angry and mean as they went on. I bet they feel real good at being able to tell the difference between a major and a colonel. I’m pretty sure you were going for a joke and then people just attack you for being dumb. Yep, confirmed that we are on Deadspin.

How can that officer take this guy seriously? He’s an actual major, not some jagoff who majored in Recreation Sciences or whatever.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Reminds me of when they traded for Brandon McCarthy.

Because the best use of $60 million is to give it to already rich guys to fund a stadium. And “too many urban types who prefer basketball and football?” Why don’t you say what you really mean?

I heard they went on to say that Iraqis must have done it and we need to depose Saddam Hussein immediately because we’ve located WMDs in and around Tikrit and Baghdad, if you needed more proof that they were absolutely disconnected from reality.

Yes, at Southwest CHRISTIAN University. After much praying Jesus approved the hire. Bliss seems like a good role model.

Placing a ball less than an inch away from where it’s supposed to be instead of on the precise spot isn’t a case of “not following the rules.” It’s the kind of minor human error that every single person makes given enough opportunities. I would be willing to bet that every single professional golfer has done

Found the guy!

That’s what I thought of, too. And then there are the gamblers, I wouldn’t be surprised if people with money on the line are going back over everything just trying to find one small infraction. Maybe that’s the reason it was a day later that the infraction was noticed.

Well, I don’t live with my parents, I have a real (and well paying!) job, and I still think golf is shit. Because it is shit.

What’s to stop a rival player’s friend or family member or business associate sitting at home from calling in tips on their competitors constantly? If we’re talking about such minor infractions, you could seemingly call one on just about every other player in contention given enough time and focus. With $150,000 on

Yah I agree with you on the Benadryl. Whisky is better.

1. My current DD is valued at $2500 KBB. That means the average smart phone costs 20% of my car’s value. Assuming this tech was already here and I had to pay $500 to repair a broken V2V system it wouldn’t be worth owning the car anymore.

2. There is no NEED to force anyone, but eventually it will come down to it. When

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

While it’s true that all tanks accept a common gas pump and all modern seat belts are 3 point, there are still plenty of cars on the road with only 2 point or even no seat belts. My 71 Vette also has a gas tank opening for leaded fuel with a fill neck big enough to stick a baseball in. They are still legal to drive

I consider new vehicles expensive. What this tech will eventually do is force everyone who wants to drive to purchase a new car with connectivity. Then, some time after that, force them to buy a self-driving car.

I read nothing in the “Why it needs to happen” section that actually supports why this needs to happen.

Assad isn’t Hitler and the people that he is fighting against aren’t necessarily freedom fighters.