I don’t believe it can pass with reconciliation, meaning 60 votes.
I don’t believe it can pass with reconciliation, meaning 60 votes.
He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.
99% sure he wouldn’t have done that to a dude.
Yeah, that was really odd. He pushed her shoulder where her hand would have been had she not snubbed him. He’s the coach, he cannot be putting his hands on another player like that. Act like the adult in the room and move on.
Trump’s approval rating is approaching the percentage of fuckwits in America. They may only be a percentage or two apart, but I doubt his approval will drop below, say 33%. Those idiots love that he lies all the time, love that he’s destroying America, and love love love being assholes just like him.
On Saturday it was reported (on AM Joy) that Rep. Devin Nunes has his own deep connections to Putin and a Russian oligarch who is the distributor for his vineyard. (This should obviously disqualify him from chairing the Trump-Russia investigation).
Our intense weirdos can actually do good when they’re pointed in the right direction. Go be intense and weird and help get people the legal help they need, Jimbo!
If they had two guns each this wouldn’t have happened. - The NRA
Maybe someone can answer this, because I’m not a worldly person: is there another country on this planet where the citizens gleefully subsidize billionaires so they can, in turn, make billions more, almost for free? How do soccer stadiums work in Europe? Or SA?
My guess is that the eleventh-hour proposal was merely for the sake of appearances (“We tried! They were the last ones to say no!”), and the Oakland city government is not-so-secretly thrilled to finally be rid of a team and league they wish they’d never brought back from LA.
People aren’t paid just by how much money they generate, but by how valuable they are to their employers. If USA Hockey wants to continue winning medals, it’s gonna cost them more.
They don’t admit you can’t without any shenanigans. Kobe didn’t pull unnecessary timeouts when gunning for 80. There’s a difference between shooting a million times and unnecessary timeouts and and intentional fouls. This is a 55-60 point game they Ricky Davis’d into a 70 pointer.
he already is
How much you want to bet that there’s also an exception in that law for the state capitol buildings, where the boneheads who actually passed this law work? I haven’t seen one of these bullshit laws yet, where the legislators didn’t make damned sure to exempt themselves from the law they were passing.
If you think you can predict where an armed battalion of Redcoats will show up, bossing you around and commandeering your house for soldiers’ quarters, then best of luck in your fool’s paradise.
Isn’t the difference that Garland was never even allowed to come to a vote, and that extreme measures are pretty well justified now because this is a Supreme Court seat that was stolen from Obama?
Yes but that’s when an actual president was trying to do his job. Now a representative of the Russian mob is trying to do his job so fuck him.
I didn’t vote for Hillary in November.
I voted for this goddamn seat.
You had me at the link containing ‘wsj’ in its address.