
I’ve got a coworker who cooks food in the morning (meat, veggies, starch) and leaves it out for his post-work exercise meal (I work at a gym). It’s out literally over 10 hours. He said he doesn’t get sick, either.

Considering the billions of people that consume rice daily, 60K cases per year is statistically insignificant.

Parading a carrier through the Persian Gulf is not a deterrent. We already have bases there and troops on the ground. Parading a carrier through the South China Sea is not a deterrent because neither China nor North Korea care plus have nukes.

Are they a bigger deterrent than ICBM with Nuclear warheads? Are they a bigger deterrent that Trident missiles? Are they a bigger deterrent that long range, high endurance drones that can be flown from stateside putting no military personnel at risk? Are you joking?

Why can’t both articles be true? They are pointless to the U.S. since we have over 800 bases overseas. The are very easy to sink and they haven’t been used since WWII.

Hey, the same reason I read your posts.

For the first time in 144 years Chicago did not see snow in January or February. Looks like the need for a fleet of ice breaking ships is literally melting away.

The state of Georgia (just as a random example) will never have any business selling health insurance to someone from Michigan (also random) for a slew of reasons, but mostly because the state of Georgia is never going to want to do the work of setting up a network of doctors 1000 miles away, nor should it. The state

No. Employment is not a contract. A contract has things laid out, terms defined, etc. you don’t get to change conditions after signing a contract. Employers change benifits, salaries, job responsilities all the time with no notice or consent (unless of course you are working under the protection of a Union contract

Ah, well thanks for your support for universal health care.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Congress could take action this afternoon if they chose to. The fact that the DEA writes the narcotics schedule does not in any way hinder Congress from overriding the agency.

The ACA caused a huge price hike, overnight, there is no doubt. However, rates were already going through the roof. My rates doubled overnight due to the ACA, but then stabilized. Rates have been climbing slower since the ACA (that’s proven). Plus one major reason healthcare was cheaper is insurance companies were

I’m fairly sure the $2,000 he was talking about was his bill for stitches.

I mention that in the post: “which would have been so comically bad it probably would have only marginally reduced my hospital bill anyway.”

Talking health care with other parents is rather eye opening. High deductibles make it so that most of the parents I know skip trips to the doctor if they can be avoided. Even stuff they would have normally gone to in the past. But if they have to go and start hitting their deductible limit, then they start in on

$2000 for stitches is the abuse that the industry does to the American public.

So inappropriate. The correct term is “ice whore”.

Yes, it is starting to look like that.

He just won’t invite them because between his golfing and watching his impeachment trial he won’t have the time.

“Don’t confuse Blaine with Eric; he’s the son I never had...aborted.”