
I guess Elway thought they needed to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

I’m so shell shocked by these e sports think pieces, I almost missed an actual good sports post.

Mediocre English players used to play for the top English teams, which made them “stars”, but now the same caliber mediocre English players play for mid- and lower-tier Premier League teams. The (lack of) quality is the same. The only difference is that you don’t see those players as much, since they don’t play for

It probably doesn’t help that the EPL pays so damn well that being a bench player in England is a better deal that heading to Germany or Spain to try your luck. There are almost no English footballers in other leagues.

Why are you living in fear of a nuclear war? While it’s a non-zero probability, it’s still pretty damn close to zero. I’d be much more concerned about an internet attack that destroys power and water systems. That strikes me as much more likely and, long term, just as damaging.

If we had this capability in 1983 then Able Archer would have been the end of the world as we knew it, for real. It was having the time to try and work it out that stopped it, this time there would be no time.

In some history books in 2150 it would read “The second cold war was started by a strange group of people that loved rusted Volkswagen Beetles and brown station wagons”

Dude, this stuff might be news to us but it islmost certainly old news to Russia. State secrets keep things secret from your population not your opponents.

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

Guardiola’s pitch seems to be: if you give me the money to buy top 5 players at every position and at least two genuine superstars, then I can win things. Which... doesn’t seem that remarkable? He did a great job with the Barca youth team, but inheriting a powerhouse Bayern team and a

Steve Bannon is not uneducated. It defies belief that someone who understands Wall Street and capitalism

The NIT sorta doesn’t charge. How it works is that they get essentially all of the money that is made via tickets, TV deals, radio, etc. They then pay each traveling team a small amount to travel. They take off their administrative fees and then redisburse the money based on how many games your team played. The kinda

Even if it bankrupts us and gets tons of kids killed, we’ll have our revenge on someone, connected to 9/11 or not.  

Not entirely a red herring. The missile saturation attack isn’t something reserved for China and Russia. India has them, Pakistan has them, and many more countries are working on them. They are fairly cheap and easy to produce, and China and Russia are more than happy to sell the last gen ones to whatever country can

Which ‘Americans’ are you referring to?

History has exactly zero examples of any aircraft carrier since the Essex class defending itself. So let’s build 12 more and believe they’re totally invulnerable.

Eh, I thought building a global economy had more to do with it myself.

Firing a gun or launching a plane =/= battle.

That’s pretty dumb, since Carriers actually fought in the Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal, Philippine Sea, and at Okinawa. Actually fought.

They only reason they want to build all this stuff is to create defense jobs in their district to boost re-election odds. The armed forces are getting hardware they don’t even want.