
How quickly we forget The Jersey Shore mid-00s orange tint that was everywhere. There’s got to be a warehouse full of orange-tinted bronzer somewhere on the East Coast, and Trump bought it all.

I think sports fans ring hump too much. Yeah, championships are great and the reason you play and watch the game. But it can certainly be fun to watch a non-championship team.

Joe Paterno chose to remain silent when he was asked for his plea.

Southwestern Christian University. That’s a good one.

This is the only correct answer. Fuck Jim Boeheim.

I choose to believe the committee left Syracuse out because Boeheim is a tremendous asshole, even by the NCAA’s standards.

Or, they’re semi-employable morons who blindly follow orders placed in the computer by someone much higher up the food chain and NOT racist assholes.

While I agree in this instance DHS where the one’s throwing up unnecessary roadblocks to free and lawful travel by an American citizen, I think the overall problem is tacitly encouraged discrimination against Muslims that permeates all of the US government’s enforcement arms.

Then why did they reject his ID and demand to see his passport?


Walker Baby is the real scene-stealer here.

Blessed are the rape cover-uppers, for they shall dominate Division 1 sports.

Step 3 is profit.

Baylor Christianity

Does anyone else want to slap that fucking mouth-guard out of Curry’s mouth as hard as you possibly can?

They just blew a big lead to Phoenix and the clippers I don’t have much faith in them even getting to the conference finals.

Let’s also not forget all the ordinary horrible sports dads. The ones terrorizing little league diamonds and middle school gymnasiums from coast to coast.

I was always told by my Hispanic friends in school that “puto” meant something similar to “whore” or “bitch”, and that “maricon” was the homophobic slur of choice in Spanish. Learn something new I guess.

Here’s how to explain it. Indian Americans are middle to upper-class and people with money vote conservative. I’m also willing to venture that many also see black people as lower themselves and fear them.

All those delicious calories, so vital to a balanced diet, a strong work ethic and American prosperity in general