“These people have awful names.”
“These people have awful names.”
I dunno, man. Thurman hasn’t knocked anyone out since moving up to 147, so the talk of his power seems a bit over stated at this point in his career.
Excessive clinching isn’t fun to watch and you know it.
If I’m not mistaken, playing anthems before sporting events started in WWII to double-down on nationalism. Not that it’s likely in the current climate, but a REALLY EASY way to de-politicize sports would be to not play a fucking national anthem before every event.
Players can represent their country only, apparently, if they’re willing to represent the version of the country in which U.S. Soccer is most interested in selling.
“but not exactly egregious or abnormal for a 19-year-old kid.”
Counterpoint: it’s is quite literally abnormal.
So, Person A does something to Person B, Person C has carte blanche to destroy Person A’s property and terrorize her with no punishment, and his name shouldn’t even be mentioned? What the fuck is wrong with you? Who raised you, rabid wolves??
If your first reaction to someone dumping a drink on your friends head is to follow them to their car, menace them so they can’t leave, and do damage to their property you might need some social skills/life coaching. I understand 19-year-olds do dumb shit, however we do not know the circumstances of why the drink was…
I wonder exactly how much abuse toward women will be allowed in the name of a Naismith Trophy.
But did she apologize for putting her feet on the Oval Office couch?
I lobbied the Georgia state legislature for ten years. Earl Ehrhart is without a doubt, the biggest shithead to hold elected office in that state. (And that’s saying something.) He generally views men as victims. His hot-temper and vindictive tendencies are not good personality traits, and they definitely don’t help…
35 - and considering that it’s not like it’s all evenly distributed. It’s a hell of a lot.
Please show me these magical cheap flights. I live near DC, so I have 3 major airports to choose from when I want to go anywhere. I just got back from Salt Lake City and my flight was over $400, plus another $25 each way for my snowboard. A few months ago, my wife used points to fly to San Diego to visit some friends.…
Not really. Here it is again in 2016. Also, balance sheets don’t really mean dick. If you pay yourself a bunch of money and throw huge parties you can really eat into “profits”.
You’ll find that profit margins are usually the result of some creative accounting.
Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.
You missed one part. If a Republican man wants a woman to have an abortion it’s perfectly okay. They do not want Democrats of either gender to have options regarding abortion. Only the male (and white) GOP’er is allowed to dictate when an abortion can occur.
So basically... if a woman wants an abortion it’s completely unacceptable.
This is really shaking my faith in the intellectual honesty of the Tea Party.