Well as an attorney I would expect you to understand what is actually being appealed here - Brady’s suspension, and nothing else. Goodell has no authority to reduce the Patriots fine or the loss of draft picks.
Well as an attorney I would expect you to understand what is actually being appealed here - Brady’s suspension, and nothing else. Goodell has no authority to reduce the Patriots fine or the loss of draft picks.
The taxpayer funded owners locked out the players, lied about their financials (to the taxpayers they were screwing) so they get to keep an even higher amount of profits. Fuck the owners in every single way imaginable.
A lot of people are concerned that Qatar, being a Muslim nation, won’t sell alcohol, which will upset Anheuser-Busch Inbev, a huge sponsor. To put fans’ minds at ease, the Qatar Organizing Committee has promised that every stadium will be equipped with one General Sporting Public Outlawed beverage Terminal, or “G…
UFC president Dana White said the promotion is only now falling in line with what has been standard practice in other professional sports organizations for years.
How journalistically brave of ESPN to do this investigation. Say, they didn't happen to lose the World Cup contract recently, did they?
At what point are we going to call out Fox or any World Cup sponsors for being complicit in this slavery?
Frustrates me how “sure” that the arresting officer was that he caught the “right guy”
Tell that to the chargers, who were actually caught (not maybe, not really, might have done something) tampering with balls to gain a competive edge, and yet, shockingly, only had to pay 25000.
Simmons (IMO) used to be a decent lite and breezy “fun read” (at best). Then he did that ten million word piece on the Eagles (the band) and after that it was impossible to like him anymore, as anyone who’d get that worked up about The Eagles is a sad dork and a poser.
This “case” is now in the court of public opinion. All the NFL needed to do was find some company to dispute the scientific reasoning regarding weather effects on a football’s air pressure. Once you get 1 company to do that, now the NFL can let the media run with it - which is where you get articles/reports on…
I also accuse the NFL of running a sting operation.... the worst sting operation in the history of operations. Seriously, they were warned ahead of time but:
Man, this entire circus could have been avoided with a simple ‘Dear Patriots, Another team complained about your treatment of the game balls. We will be watching more closely and testing balls for irregularities.”
Shut up
I think its kinda odd that in a report that makes a lot of un and semi-substantiated claims and accusations stays curiously silent about the possibility of McNally deflating the balls intentionally to fuck Brady over since he knew everyone would be looking at the footballs extra close. This is a guy who explicitly…
There is nothing about Brady wanting it below the legal limit though. The few times they mention Brady was when he was pissing about the balls being at 16 PSI and the guys talking about getting them down. Brady is reference only a few times and nothing besides him being unhappy with overinflated balls or them joking…
What I like about the report, so far as I can tell - and, full disclosure, I just cherry-picked my way through the table of contents finding the parts I would need to support this conclusion - the NFL just basically admitted that every coldweather game it has ever played has been played with equipment out of…
/gets enraged about the insanity of gun violence in this country
They’re not being denied overtime. They’re just being paid time and a half instead of double. Boo hoo.
and James claimed it “didn’t look like a basketball play.”
I’d be interested to know how he actually came about being arrested. You’d think that professional athletes would have the resources/abilities to do drugs in a police-free way, especially in Las Vegas.