
If that's what you think, you weren't paying attention.

More than understandable. This is one of those “boiling frog” types - presents as reasonable at first, then, when actually reasonable people get sucked in, and only then, breaks out the real victim-blaming fruitbat inside:

You are right - but please don't feed the apologist trolls.

Okay, so this is like the most first-world problem there could be. I want to be clear that I do recognize my privilege in that this is even a question.

You’re going to get a rafter of shit for calling IVF misguided, but I agree with you and I’m sorry to see you backpedaling in later replies. It isn’t given to everyone to have their own children, and we’re dangerously overpopulated already.

"They pay me to make dick jokes about candy bars."

By world society in general, possibly. Whites aren’t the majority, other than in terms of power.

I question this too. I think Kim is viewed by non-whites as white, and by whites as “exotic,” certainly not black but not white either.

Ironic, isn't it? This is Amber's whole point with what she's doing now...

True, yes. Nothin' wrong with a win-win!

When Kim’s sex tape with Ray J leaked back in 2007,...

You'd think they'd at least have heard of Len Bias.

Use a good adblocker and anti-virus software, both. I’ve never had any problems with Putlocker but my brother has (the doofus refuses to use Malwarebytes).

Next you’re going to tell me that there are straight women playing in the WNBA.

RIGHT?!? At least make it a global "Site Preferences" kind of setting, so we don't spend more time loading things than we do reading them!


I’m a guy so I’m pulling this out of my ass.

You really need to warn people when you're going to link them to a picture of a dismembered fetus, you sick fuck.

The author is snarking on the family for being overweight.

No, nor did she have to pay any restitution for the damage, because this never happened.