In-person bullying is VERY different from stranger-on-stranger harassment from a distance.
In-person bullying is VERY different from stranger-on-stranger harassment from a distance.
Maybe they didn't want to spoil the ending.
Hari is only 22, which might explain a fair bit of this attitude. I hope.
If neither did, fine. But if anyone did, it was Union.
Jessamina did not equate black people with gorillas, or even compare the two. Gabrielle Union did.
If you want to read it that way so you can feel good about her, that's up to you. I think it's a hell of a stretch and that you're sadly mistaken.
“Fear is not an excuse" is an awfully easy thing to say when you're one of the most famous people in the world.
Well, your nasty attitude and crazy drama evidently won the day, so congratulations I guess. Enjoy having a son who can’t form normal relationships or even engage in a brief rebound because his overbearing, mean-mouthed mother will never stay the hell out of it.
You need a speculum to see a vagina, dumb-ass. When someone starts putting cameras up men’s rectums and then they still don’t show vagina, you might have a parity complaint.
Sorry I missed this! Cute idea.
You got very lucky.
The posters who don’t like it are not going to tell you the truth because you put people in the greys when they don’t agree with you. If they’re already in the greys, like me, they’re afraid you’ll ban them. I'm okay with that if you choose to do it, but most people won't be.
If true, that’s pretty awful. Can you prove it?
That interviewer really wanted to ask about Taylor.
Go ahead, pat yourself on the back while telling us all how superior you are in every possible way. No, really, it’s okay!
Thanks for taking that so graciously. And I'm sorry you're having such a rough time! Everyone needs to vent now and again. I hope it helped you feel a bit better.
That started really well.
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Nobody who has to say they have a sense of humor actually possesses one.