You forgot rich. With lots of rich and famous friends.
It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for…
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
yeah, the boys are completely kicked out, but even the men who are allowed to stay have little freedom. they get no educations (leave school very young to do slave labor construction) dont own their own property/businesses (everything is in the churches name) and at anytime can have their wives and children reassigned…
That’s true, patriarchy hurts men too. I think the boys who are not Chosen or whatever are pretty marginalized if not exiled from the community.
honestly it’s not good for the men either. except for a very select few, the rest are usually hungry and used by the prophet too. the cult is bad for everyone
Those poor women and children, kept hungry, ignorant, socially isolated and pretty close to sexual chattel status.
Men are better equipped to talk about this issue then women. They can stay objective and unemotional about it.
Why would we need to hear from her when we have all these men around to tell people how she should/would handle sexual harassment?
If that were true, she’d have quit working for daddy. After him groping her at his convention coronation, him saying he’d like to date her if she weren’t his daughter, and speaking lustily about her figure and face.
I’ve got to say it’s interesting because if you removed the fact that Donald Trump is her father (which amplifies this to wtf territories my mind is too exhausted to bleach out) the things Trump has said about Ivanka would probably fall into a category of sexual harassment in most companies. Ranking her hotness.…
we should just build a wall and get the mosquitos to pay for it.
Not buying. I need 6 cupholders.
I feel like the it’s the opposite IMO, rather than just releasing a set amount of new pokemon each Gen this feels like they are making an effort in trying to keep the original pokemon fresh and exciting
It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.
um, it doesnt sound like she was TRYING to have multiple sets of twins. it sounds like she is a religious woman who decided to carry her pregnancies. why shame her for that? nonsense.