
I have friends who have worked with or encountered Pam Anderson at various times over the past 20+ years. Every single one of them said she was nice and gracious. The one that was a PA on one of her projects said that when she was stressed and obviously upset she just shut down. She didn’t want to talk to anyone and

The Rock, rocks. This is classy of him and something about Pamela wants me to protect her, too.

I understand her intent, but trying to convince people she wasn’t being abused by saying she would “never let [herself] be a victim,” is some serious victim-blaming BULLSHIT.

Thank you. The dehumanizing thing was a bit much. We also make them wear diapers, make medical decisions for them, force them to do things they don’t like (e.g nap) and as you said, strap them into strollers like cargo. Don’t see a difference. And I’ve never used a leash, but I’m due for a third baby soon, and have a

I definitely feel like the leashes are preferable to strollers in a lot of situations. The kids get to walk around and interact with the world and make (limited) choices about where they want to go vs. having to sit passively. What’s wrong with that?

Oh my gosh, that happened to me! My husband was busy behind us wrangling the pile of stuff you have to bring with a toddler, and the agent made me let my son walk through instead of carry him. The little guy goes through the metal detector - and promptly takes off running while I was stuck impotently on the other side


I’m the oldest and I was the one that my mom needed to leash. For anyone curious, no, I do not hold this against her, at all.

Probably, my European cousins almost all leashed their kids at some point. Not the French ones but they threatened to slap their kid (in the face) to keep him in line which is, to me, 10 times worse than any leash even if it is just something French parents often say.

I told my sister I was going to get a leash for her child and she said ‘what! No! I will never get her one of those back pack leashes!’ To which I said ‘yeah fuck those we will get her a real one from petsmart maybe with studs or is a harness more humane?’

As a retail worker in my college years, I was inwardly indignant about the leashed kids ( big late 80's/early 90's). Why not just pay attention to your kids!!??

My mom had one for me, after I took off for probably the 23rd time in a row. Leashed kid is better than a dead or missing kid.

Not A Mom, but I get it. I can barely keep track of my car keys. I leave them everywhere. I feel like I could lose a kid in an instant, esp if I had one that inherited her father’s inexplicable vanishing gene. I swear both my husband and his dad slip into another dimension and then pop back into ours. Mid conversation

But surely a run over child is better than one with a fun and fuzzy backpack! You monster!

I think some people might even need more than one before they see the need. My first kid I basically told her one time when she was two that running into the street was dangerous and she’s all “Danger is bad. Okay mum.” And never ever did she run away from me again.

I did put a leash (one of those backpack things with the leash attached) on my kid once because I had a newborn strapped to me (so could not chase after her) and we had to walk across a really busy street every day. Some asshole made a nasty comment about it and had I not been, you know, busy trying to get my newborn

Have you ever had a runner? I was thisclose to leashing my younger one. Kid had a death wish.

Lies. Do you have a kid?

Cheating is between the two people in a relationship. They have to work that shit out. I’m not a part of it, no matter what I think of it.

It’s amazing, as many times as I experienced coitus interruptus in college (Dammit, Jason,* the sock was on the door...THE SOCK WAS ALWAYS ON THE DOOR!!!) and times since, I have never experienced blue balls. I always figured it was a myth, or more of a physiological rather than physiological thing. Fascinating...