I shower a different amount of times than everyone else here, and I think we should fight to the death about it.
I shower a different amount of times than everyone else here, and I think we should fight to the death about it.
Wow! I had no idea. I just assume they were dead or had abandoned him in childhood. I guess they just raised him in their own image. Do they have any other kids we need to aware of?
He was released into the custody of his parents
We here in 'Murica, don't want no foreign rulers.
What is wrong with the metric system? It is a superior system.
I dislike the framing that they should remove the life support because the fetus is abnormal because even if the fetus was fine, they should still be following the family's wishes.
He's young, he's white, he's rich- and he knows that mug would be all over the internet asap. Of course he's smiling.
He's smiling like that cause he now thinks he has legit "street cred". He does not give one fuck about the arrest, cause he knows there's very little likelihood that he will really serve any of that time
He is quite adorable, but a very youthful kind of cute. I wonder if he's going to maintain the cute-face long enough for it to become weird (DiCaprio-style), become quite handsome when he's older (JT-style), or be a completely nondescript man (most boybanders-style).
Thanks for posting this. I can see security helicopters criss-crossing the skies above Geneva today, I'm assuming it's for this summit. Fingers crossed they can make some progress.
"Peace would mean there is no fear in the eyes of children and they would regain their right to dream".
Just throwing this out there but hey, maybe this is the EXACT FUCKING REASON women should be part of the decision making process and in politics.
Oddly enough, I find whole milk has less of a lactose-intolerance affect on me that skim or 2%...but all that lactic acid isn't good if you have stomach issues. The old milks is good for an ulcer is wrong.
I do wish that someone (his mother) would have cared enough about him to help him figure out how to be famous and a decent human being.
I believe Lainey over at Lainey Gossip said it best about the Depp/Heard engagement.
Why is it that $75k in one dollar bills feels insulting to me? I mean, I would be happy if someone handed me any portion of $75k in any form at this moment, but when I read that it just felt insulting. Am I the only one?
I tweeted that I want a rom com with her and Tom Hiddleston, like, immediately and SHE FAVORITED IT! The movie should be them being gorgeous and in love in London, right? (Tom has yet to respond.)
wow you support the LGBT movement by grouping them all into one camp and calling them hateful bullies?