Penny Dreafull

The dress

But, see, you are mostly describing the wedding. I am not changing my last name. I am not having my father walk me down the aisle; if it were going to be anyone, it’d be my mom. White dress? Negotiable. It might be a soft color, but I am not going to do some stark white dress. The jig is up.

Is she fucking serious? If you are married, then you cannot be a feminist? What absolute horseshit. People listen to this woman?

We can talk about that, but let’s not pretend that suddenly capitalism is an issue when a Black woman is rich and famous as fuck. Let’s not criticize every famous Black woman who says she’s a feminist while praising famous white women for the bare minimum. And let’s not dismiss Beyonce for being sexual while praising

She lost me with her comments on white feminism. It’s not just power, it’s the power and cluelessness that whiteness affords.

It’s so sad that the term has been ruined to the point where actual feminists don’t want to use it anymore. I’ll still use it. I may not write books, but I feel like just saying I’m a feminist is confrontational enough to make a point. I’ll let my words and actions be a witness to what feminism is actually about, to

It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same. 

This is well and good, but I’m still in a no-win situation. I’m black. My son is half and of course looks it. Cops scare the SH!T out of me and I’m a law abiding citizen with nothing to hide, didn’t have alcohol till I was 21, never smoked, etc. It feels nearly impossible to teach him “cops aren’t bad and should be

Ugh. :(

When I was in 6th grade, our school banned shorts for some reason. I got so mad I started to campaign to bring them back.

I sang in the D.A.R.E. choir.

I’m pretty embarrassed to admit this, but I was once anti-choice. I was a born-again christian asshole. I spoke at a dinner, there’s video of me at the age of 19 on a christian talk show, marched at an anti-choice event. I do my penance now by giving money every month to Planned Parenthood and having an abortion every

This comment is bad.

It’s a snake, right? Like, I get it but I don’t get it.

19 minutes and counting...

I have to read them alone. If my husband ever catches me, he calmly closes my laptop and says “I would like us to get some sleep tonight.” LOL

It made my day that my submission got picked! I both thank and resent my friend for sharing her terrifying story with me.

My children are grown men now, but for years their sworn quest was to figure out which neighbor was slipping this bullshit in with the Snickers.

Excuse me? I have *always* known that I wanted to be a professional mermaid.

It’s so you can’t see their boobs.