Penny Dreafull

Do you tell them it is happening today?? Police are murdering Black people in the street with no semblance of justice. They are modern day lynchings. It enrages me to no end that people look at this past and think “Wow that is so unbelievable” but then we have crazy, horrible shit happening today that surely (god

They just want to make America great again! Like it was when white men could torture and murder black children with impunity.

Spoiler alert: these assholes are voting for Trump.


Hundreds of people throughout the last two centuries. This young man had most of the world against him.

If I had to guess I’d say some broken bones or some other physical evidence of abuse from the guards. I don’t think the prison murdered him, but after his suicide I think they want to make sure no one outside their system gets a good look at the body. Hence the lack of embalming, the huge delay in notifying the

The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.


Here’s my scary story:

Just the thought of a baby carrot as president is enough to scare me.

My great grandmother lived in a theocracy and an extremely patriarchal culture, where if you found a man who didn’t drink too much or beat you too badly, he was a catch. You knew he was going to gamble your life away while you were stuck home with 13 starving children but hey, what’s a woman’s life? In any case, my

My great grandmother died the same way. This would have been around 1913. My grandmother was three and grew up without a mother. It didn’t occur to me until now how that must have affected her...and her relationship to my mother...and my mother’s relationship to me (which was not great). Women’s reproductive rights

In my parent’s house, there are framed photos of two very sad women. One is my great grandmother, who stopped speaking for 2 years when her daughter died after falling down a well. The other is my great great aunt, who died of a botched abortion when she was 17. It’s never been a family secret or a morality tale, just

I don’t know any women who haven’t experienced some form of sexual assault or harassment. I’m so in awe of the bravery of those who have come forward and I hope that it empowers other women to do the same or at least to realize that they are not alone.

My thoughts exactly. I’m definitely glad it’s getting better...but let’s not get it twisted as far as the fact the fact that beauty standard is still white/European. The closer you are to that as a minority, the better chances you have at getting cast.

I live in Portland, and work in Oregon City where the first Fat Cupcake location launched, and I can confidently attest to two things:

Let’s talk about the real issue, does it taste good? Seriously, has anyone tried one and can report back about the taste?

What’s the culinary equivalent of a birth certificate? A recipe? I demand to see this cupcake’s recipe.