Penny Dreafull

I love this story. Kids are fucking weirdos.

I never sleep trained. I rocked my son to sleep and then graduated to reading stories and laying with him for a bit. We also coslept and everyone slept through the night. We’re not unicorns - I know a lot of people who did something similar to us. Different strokes, yo.

Maybe it’s just my own fucked up family, but I’ve had an assortment of relatives require co-sleeping ‘til past the fourth grade mark. One of my cousins slept with her mom until she was eleven, and only moved out because they moved in with her mom’s boyfriend. Cousin is a wonderful, functional adult now, and has a

It depends on what you’re comfortable with. We started cosleeping early and it’s never bothered us. We don’t even wake when he comes in which is around 5am these days.

My daughter slept on the floor for 3 months. She was not even 2 and had transitioned fairly easily to a toddler bed 3 or 4 months prior... and one night wouldn’t get in bed and fell asleep on the floor. We shrugged and figured it was a 1 night thing. 3 months later after setting up multiple beds every night (maybe

As with EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING that is a part of parenting, sleeping and sleep training is different for every family and every child. I’m a big believer in do what works for you and your kid and fuck any and everyone else. Little Nobody co-slept with us until 3 years ago (she’s 10)—it just worked for us as a

Fuck parenting.

I couldn’t do it. Take that back, wouldn’t do it. Little Nobody co-slept with us until 3 years ago (she’s 10)—it just worked for us as a family. Then she just up and decided she wants to sleep alone, and off to her bed she went. We tried EVERYTHING—doctors, psychologists, sleep-studies, etc. Nothing worked. If

YUP. My brother sucked his thumb incessantly. Like, up to the age of four. My parents were worried about his teeth, etc. They walked past a power wheels car (the kind you actually “drive” with a battery, etc) in the store, he freaked out over it, and they said that you can’t drive if your thumb is in your mouth.

As a hands on Dad this resonates with me. JujyJr is approaching 8 and needs one of us to fall asleep with him on most nights. Once he’s out, he’s done. It impacts what we watch on tv at night, but he’s rarely come into our bedroom at night except after a bad dream. Which, of course,allows him night time cuddles and

I was unable to sleep in a room WITH another person present until I was 13. The only time I could sleep before the sun rose was in the same bed as someone. Mom, aunt, grandmother, anybody. I was terrified of the dark, and monsters, and bogeymen. It was the biggest pain in the ass imaginable. It still is, sometimes.

Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

Judging by the fact that merely reading the title of this article made me tear

Have any of us been the same since Prince died?

not a single person deserves the kind of treatment she received

Is it wrong that I’d give up half my finger to have some chill time on a boat off the coast of Turkey?

If 20 6 year olds being murdered changed nothing in this country, I have little hope for any future change.

The pic that’s circulating of him in his hospital bed with his parents flanking him had me sobbing. It really drives home how much suffering these school shootings cause. But then again, if Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to spur gun laws to change, I’m not optimistic. My heart breaks for this family and every other victim

the Edge. so Edgy. the most Edge.

The bathroom in Penn Station is fuckig terrifying.