Penny Dreafull

That much fiber is gonna clog you up, so she’s either lying or hasn’t had a bowel movement in years.

Bananas bind the stool and pull water out of it, which is why you eat them when you have diarrhea. When you eat 51 of them a day, I’m pretty sure that shit would be harder than a diamond.

Can we do this for 500 days like Gawker did with that vapid blonde lady? This seems way more fun.




This was so, so great.

Even dissected, she has pearls to clutch. That’s class.

You know nothing, HBO

No one is even trying to stick to the theme.

I have had ugly cats, though not since childhood. I don’t know what happened, sometime in the ‘80s or ‘90s, cats got cuter.

ugly cats

It’s like when you see someone with a hideous baby and so you scream ‘oh god why does that face exist in the world!’ And throw marbles at it.

It infuriates me how right-wing MRA types try to suddenly pretend they really really care about women and protecting them. After Cologne, so many of the men I know in Europe suddenly cared very deeply about rape and posted endlessly about the incidents of that night and how it demonstrated how Muslim immigrants have

There was an article in the New York Times a few weeks ago (also on a Saturday) about a young woman in the Bronx killed by her ex-husband with a knife with their two kids in the apartment. In the article they mentioned that the Bronx has a high incidence of domestic violence homicides. THIS is the danger American

I hope they get the prayers they need for comfort, but also I hope the government invests more money in domestic violence intervention. There’s almost always an escalation in threats and violence so there may be warning signs, but the authorities often can’t act on them until it’s too late. Domestic abuse is a unique

No one gives a shit if you don’t like her music. She is doing what she loves again after being treated like shit. Being an ass doesn’t make you look cool.

Whoever the asshole is who first took the term “detox” out of a medical setting and plastered it on an over the counter product like this deserves to be banished from society.