Penny Dreafull

WTF, I thought I was getting a handy cheat sheet I could send to all my friends. Don’t got time for no video

I would totally watch that show.

6 girls planned to beat the shit out of their classmate. This wasn’t a sad accident. This was murder.

This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.

Mine’s on a chain because I’m a tease.

And as long as the young ladies are at it, they should stop flashing their purses around at everyone because it shows they have money, and so many people are attracted to money. You don’t want to turn someone into a thief or a mugger now, do you?

Right, zoos are just the main groups actively involved in animal conservation. But what do you really care about that? Oh right, you don’t care.

Fuck zoos.

Well as far as I know Katy Perry is just a pop star and not part of any organization that enthusiastically supports misogyny and looks the other way at child abuse, so I guess I am #teamkaty on this one.

This is awesome and I’m so fucking excited to see her stand there and light shit on fire. Seriously, the amount of courage this is taking is insane. I hope she receives unending support from the people around her.

Wasn’t 2002 only a couple of years ago?!?!

This is a good reminder of why I support trans rights and bathroom access, but hate the idea of unisex bathrooms, at least as the only bathroom option. Creepy perverts are the real reason to dislike unisex restrooms.

No White Walkers here!

Good luck getting Jezebel to ever address that. They initially wrote very little about it and when they do address the issue of where the assailants come from, it’s to say the right wing is using it to fuel xenophobia. Because apparently it's impossible to say anything about the fact that these men come from countries

Suspicions of some mass cover-up were fanned by conservative outlets that referenced the well-worn racist narrative of dark-skinned men abusing white women.

Ugh, this is really hitting home as I search for that unicorn unit in Toronto.

Hahaha, I basically said the same thing to my husband, “Look at these Hollywood diapers already trying to shame my newborn.”

But her hair is so shiny! I just can’t hate anyone with such shiny hair, try as I might.

Perfectly reasonable. Send the chicken on a search.