Penny Dreafull

Oh for the love of all that is holy and good in this world, please tell me this is not a recent thing.

Does anyone remember years ago, there used to be a sort of high end science store in the malls? I don’t think it was Discovery or anything - It’s likely gone now. But you could buy like $5,000+ geodes and fossils and things? And little stones, and plants, and science projects? I remember they were big into saving the

Banana Republic has the same problem that J. Crew has. Part fit/style issues, but the main problem is that the quality has been steadily declining for over a decade and price points have stayed steady or increased (beyond normal inflation). No one wants to remain loyal to a store that keeps throwing crappily made

If only they’d checked their GPS!

If we would all just use the bathrooms that God assigns us, poverty, crime, gun violence, and all of societies other ills would disappear. It is in the bible.

This, so much this. The hypocrisy just shows they are all just bigots.

People looking at this through the lens of what you currently spend on new clothes: that’s not the point.

Christians like to focus on other people’s sins rather than their own.

For as long as I live, I will never understand why people are so afraid of the LGBT community. Is it contagious? Are they planning to kill people? Are they really aliens in human skin? What? What is it? WHAT??

Yeah. The process should just not be this painful.

How about they also get rid of that giant fucking video screen that has a gaggle of idiot tourists clogging up the sidewalk in front, all trying to snap a selfie of them on the screen?

Yes. This is why I am not a foster parent. I know I couldn't hack it. If you sign on for that, you sign on for temporary parenting. That's the gig.

There have been a number of cases that have played out like this, although not always with the Native American element. A child goes to adoptive or foster parents; child’s parents decide they want her back (or, in the case of foster parents, never fully relinquish their rights), when the child is still a baby.

I’m so sorry that happened to you! Outdated, unsympathetic pediatricians are the worst. I had one tell me my first baby’s “chin was too small” and he’d never nurse. (I ended up nursing that kid for three years, so up yours, horrible doc!)

That headline is kind of gross. They’re not involved, and they’re not the only reason this is a story.

Why did you un-grey this????

Your comment suggests that we have not come that far at all.

Reminds me of when my sister and I lived in Nob Hill in San Francisco. Back when I had disposable income and could afford the rent (although most of our money went on alcohol). We used to eat at this little neighborhood Italian restaurant and these two elderly twin sisters would be there every time. They always wore

It’s rough always trying to combat sexism and gender norms. As a black woman, and especially one who grew up in a majority white town, I’ve done the same thing in terms of racism. It made me feel isolated a lot of the time, and I wish I had a more open relationship with my parents so I could have talked to them about

When my son was in kindergarten, I consistently spoke up as the parent of a kid with autism, bringing those issues into conversations, and I worried that it would mark me as the Weird Mom, but after a couple of years I saw attitudes changing among the parents.