Penny Dreafull

I assume I am missing something because I can't conceive of a way this gets published as a stand alone on Jezebel otherwise.

Uh, as a parent of a 13 year old girl....I very much don't want her to go out "— out anywhere where young men drink alcohol."

#6 is the province of adorkable white girls whose problems are trivial in the grand scheme of things.


I had to stop reading, I'm bawling my eyes out, I've known too many parents who've lost their babies or had to terminate pregnancies because of birth defects. I absolutely recognize the necessity but I can't even conceive of ever doing this work.

A long, long time avo my baby utero. Your excellent piece of writing made me cry, yet feel at peace with letting the hospital cremate her. After 32 years, I finally know what happened to her and I am at peace with it. Thank you for thus.

My god that was stunning writing - pure and evocative and heart wrenching.

YEAH, CAITLIN DOUGHTY! (This is not a super appropriate response to this piece, but I just love her so much, I can't help it.)

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

The condescension thrown toward women in pornography never ceases to amaze me. Don't fall off your high horse, it'll probably hurt when you hit the ground.

I am acutely qualified for both these positions.

I think her faux-Britney Spears music video disproves her superhero origin story of moving to the south at a tender age and being raised by wolves black people (barf) which is why she does verbal black face identifies with black people and our culture.

Correct. Heaps of douchey musicians do this. Sometimes the socks come off and the bulge slowly travels down their leg

Well THOSE are fucking amazing. Um, gotta go, have some online shopping to do...

!!!! she also designed these, some of the most beautiful shoes Melissa (the company) has ever released:

I get where you are coming from, but you don't have the right to dictate the parameters of other people's feminism.

Make a graham cracker/Nutella sandwich with your weed in the middle, then wrap it up in a ton of foil and bake it low for 15-20 minutes (long enough to decarboxylate the THC, not enough to burn it), then eat in small quantities and get the most of your Wednesday night X-Files marathon.

I used to sign up for the "3 free issues!" or whatever for the perfume ads. They used to take up half the magazine. I loved to subscribe with phony names.

Jeez, the only way this article could be whiter is if they left the page blank.

I feel that he is clearly a fan of Spinal Tap