Penny Dreafull

well Perry and Swift is fighting over a douche, that's just tells me everything i need to know about them

Taylor just loves being butthurt. It gives her new material. Katy didn't "steal" backup dancers, they were dancers that already worked with her, and preferred working with her.…

Because of fucking course it started with John Mayer.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

I hate rewards for participation. I regularly tell my kids that it is totally normal to suck at things.

Her ass is GLORIOUS

he screams Patrick Bateman

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.

It is from 1967 but I have always been struck by this series. Would make a good sword and sorcery / coming of age/ rites of passage movie due to defining how and what a hero is. Begins with a boy who is a lowly pig farmer ... or is he?

It can also be the result of plastic surgery. Not just genetics or whatever exercise or diet they follow.

No. I love parenthetical asides. They make me who I am as a person.

Burt i don't know if its real or not, but

She tweeted these pictures earlier and I can confirm she said he pissed on her dress. Still, better than newborn poop.

She better hope that kid doesn't have a blowout all over that couture. I even put towels down before my fully clothed kid nursed because she would poop UP HER BACK. The first time it happened, it was so loud and messy that I thought I broke her.

I don't know where you normally get your hummus, but you should firebomb the place and make it yourself. Good hummus is a gift.

I vote "Too stupid to be offensive"

I don't know, I don't think it was really written for you in that case. I am a mother, and having been through the stage of early postpartum motherhood that she's talking about, and what she wrote doesn't sound joyless to me at all. Just honest. For many women, your appearance is pretty much the last thing on your