Penny Dreafull

I will reserve judgment till I can actually read the article... but yeah, my money's on TIME handling the issue in its usual reactionary-rag way, totally blowing the opportunity to really tackle anything.

I'm not sure it's fair to say it's trolling until we read it. I mean it's likely they won't cover it well, but at least this topic is finally getting mainstream attention, so I personally will wait to judge until I see it. I hope they do cover it in a nuanced, non victim-blaming way. Assuming they won't before reading

feel like an alien hijacked my body.

"Rihanna and Drake had another fight. He is too in love with her, which has always been the problem."

They can try to conceal his identity, but there is no hiding from...

My go-to gift for baby showers is a box of diapers from Costco and a $20 Target gift card. Always a hit!

Please don't do this to yourself. You're not mainlining fast food directly into your baby's stomach; your body is extracting the nutrients from the food and is THEN feeding the baby. If you weren't eating, they baby would still be getting nourishment from your body's fat and calcium reserves. In that situation, you'd

As a childless lady, I just laughed my way through your comment. Especially around "bought a damn $1,100 Bugaboo" hahaha. I cannot for the life of me see why it would be necessary to spend an arm and a leg (or in Kim's case, all appendages) for a stroller...

as a mother of two, I will speak as an expert of all things baby. Get the snap and go for when they are in the infant car seat, get a used $100 Maclaren off craigslist when they can sit up and bam! Done. My BFF bought a damn $1100 Bugaboo that does not even fit in her trunk and requires both hands to even fold it up.

I kinda did this with my registry, but out of spite, because I was against creating a damn registry in the first place, so I did it as a fuck you to my mom's friends who refused to listen.


I guess I've owned too many cats in my life, but this isn't all that surprising to me. Cats can be highly territorial, and housecats in particular can develop a strong pack instinct with respect to their family, and young kids especially. I've seen plenty of cats face down/chase off dogs that made the mistake of

The stretch marks, the heavy boobs which, coupled with the swollen belly, made me feel like "a big breeding mammal" all drove me crazy.

Hi Yoga Nerd MD, your story could have been the same as mine. I gained 40, stopped running, tried to stay active but was living with food-pushing in-laws during the pregnancy so I gained more than I should, but happily, returning to my normal lifestyle and routine post baby (well as much as you can with a baby, but

Yeah, I work in criminal justice policy (outside the US) and generally they're allowed for prisoners who have a sentence with a finite term and were married/partnered prior to entering prison, because this helps keep families intact and thus improves the prisoners' chance at having a stable reentry upon release as

I am Tailypo and I approve this message.

I'm irrationally excited that I stayed up past my bedtime to read this.

Vigilante justice. If I saw a guy's name on that list, I would avoid him if he were interested in me.

I disagree. Yes, kids have episodes: a considerate parent will take the kid outside to calm down. That's what my parents did with me if I was out of line. Honestly, parents who are on top of their shit ABSOLUTELY deserve discounts, because that's hard work that put them there. It's not random chance.