Penny Dreafull

I really don't think it matters if she was drunk (nor do I think it matters if your sister was drunk) physical violence is never, ever ok. If the gender roles were reversed no one would ever take anything like "He was just drunk, he gets like that sometimes." as an acceptable excuse.

I'm a mom, and not a hipster or someone who finds safety in cynicism, and I think this holiday is ridiculous. Did I accept my day to sleep in and my excellently rendered picture of a...something colorful and my industrial-sized jar of Nutella? Yes, because I'm not an ingrate. But I'll never begrudge anyone who doesn't

OMG SJP doesn't know what the word for "tailgating" is omg omg omg omg. If these people ever spent five minutes with me in my house they would set themselves on fire.

Not joking when I say that I don't know how I'm going to break this to my Nana.

Excellent article.

I noted the (R) and (D) beside the Senators' names, and I'm just going to point out that I'm pleased to see some bipartisan cooperation here. The Senators are doing all that they can, using their influence, to attempt to bring more attention to the situation and maybe it will help. One certainly can't blame anyone for

That hairstyle reminds me of something...

what's the point of the theme if practically nobody is going to follow it? what does it mean when kendall jenner understands "white tie" better than most?

What is this mess? It's like some pocahontas-inspired bizarro children's costume made adult size.

About no one in particular.

He probably learned more from Bane's voice than Batman's

Much better than her "floppy bunny ears" dress they describe in the book, although I'm surprised that HBO eschewed a costume that would legitimately allow them to show one breast of every female character.

Um, nope, not giving her some leeway to vent in this manner. Teaching IS hard and demanding and some administrations make it even more so. But sometimes, people who have no business in a classroom wind up there anyway.

Yes? 20% is standard for good service. Where did you get doubling the sales tax from? I've never, ever heard of that.

Kate and I are built in very similar ways. (Except not because I'm obviously not a SI model.) it's annoying to be all boobs and no ass/hips/waist. I'm not feeling sorry for her (or myself) but I think she was joking. She obviously knows she has no ass.

As a WOC (Mexican-American), I agree with everything that you're saying. I, however, also think she has nice tetas. I can coexist with both of those, you know?

The way we've handled it in our family is like this... Those of us who are working an olay job and can buy a little extra food when we can, save it for those in out family who we know are going to be hit hard at the end of the month.

i love how "goop" is in lowercase letters because gwyneth is so humble and self-effacing. it's conscious uncapitalizing.