Penny Dreafull


OK, just urban dictionaryed it. I can't believe that exists.

Horrible "humans."

what is MRA?

One of the most upsetting things is how a bunch of coward, looser pervs are gongs to think this waste is some kind of hero.

One of the most upsetting things is how a bunch of coward, looser pervs are gongs to think this waste is some kind of hero.

One of the most upsetting things is how a bunch of coward, looser pervs are gongs to think this waste is some kind of hero.

Not this site specifically; I was thinking of any sit that tends to have users who have violent comments acting as catalyst. I'm sure their are several that have really bad track records.

I'm sure this would not be the first time something like this happened.

What a winner.

This pic......"one of these things is not like the other."

I'm so sad for them......

I want an eye makeup tutorial please.

Agreed! Not so sorry, but that laundry list of professions is just something moms use to validate their misery.


Dude....I want to punch Nicholas judgmental face. During my pregnancy, I lost weight due to severe morning sickness. I would cry thinking that I was hurting my baby every time I barfed. When I could keep food down, it was usually white bread.....anything to keep my prenatal vitamins in their. Pregnancy is unique;

Agreed! Thank you mods for creating a safe space.

I'm from a similar story. My parents strong desire and love for me when they were ready resulted in a wonderful family.

Dear h, I wish I could comment as Little Thing and tell you what a hero you are for taking responsibility for a potential and your own life. I'll comment as someone who made the same decision. Too many women neglect this responsibility and the result are abused, un-wanted, un-loved children. Your choice made less

My tinfoil hat will protect me.