Penny Dreafull

Mean faries that bite.

  • Harry Styles wore his hair in a french braid, so expect a New York Times piece on how he pioneered the cornrow any day now. [MTV]

I'm clapping for your comment. (Sry, could not resist)

Dang. Wrap it up.

You are so right about removing the shame. I think it is wonderful that someone feels good enough about themselves to take nudie photos. No shame in that, why should they be punished?

oh jeeze......

Bonnie's retro hotness

I've been following HBA for a few seasons (my students turned me on) and love their use of androg models and models with body modification. How would one pronounce "fuccboi?" Just regular "fuck boy?" I want desperately for my students to think I'm cool.

I don't use my real name on FB to avoid an abusive ex and my students. Shame on FB.

horrible, right?

So important, thank you! Funny story, my parents are in the medical field, so we knew proper terms and lots of details growing up. My little brother (maybe 4 or 5 at the time) informed a carpool that tampons were for when "mommies have blood because their is no baby inside who needs it." One repulsed kid insisted

My mother in law calls a penis an "in between" and a vagina a "va jay jay." It makes me want to punch her.

Good for them. I would not choose to eat there, but I appreciate the candor.

*you're* ;)

Not real. Too funny. Also, "Aunt Petunia, would you like a job at" for the win!

I was often cranky and cynical as a teen. Why the eff not; you really start seeing how women are getting the short end? When my daughter is a teen, I'm going to tell her to punch the face of anyone who tells her to "just be nice."

My plan was to have a natural child birth. Ha ha ha. I was induced after the baby was over a week late. I then did 24 hours of labor with Pitocin and no epidural, and dilated 1 pathetic centimeter. Next came 24 hours of labor with increasing Pitocin. The baby descended and her head was pressing my cervix, which

I just gave mine a big snuggle. It must be the hardest thing.

I'm so happy you could find some peace, and I'm sorry for your loss.

How wonderful that you were able to give these little ones a compassionate, superstition free last transition from the physical world. If I ever lost my own little one, I would want someone like you to cremate them.