Penny Dreafull

she looks kaboom

I have yet to try....;)

Haha, same boat here. Squats are supposed to help with the bootie....

Yes! It was very scary, I never walked anywhere by myself. I know we had support from state and local police as well. I heard a rumor that that guy was caught up at UMass a few years ago....hopefully it was him and he is locked up.

How sad she is so deluded. Most people receiving food stamps are working poor, and are not "dependent on handouts," just supplementing income. (This allows them to put income towards personal care items, which you cannot purchase with foods stamps.) This is also true for soup kitchens, more and more of the people

I went to Bard college about 15 years ago. We had a problem with not just date/campus rape, but also an off campus incident where a local woman and child were raped. :( As a result, our dean of students, who was an amazing woman, worked with the students to address those issues, and revamp the school policy on

Excellent point. Also, women can assault women, and men can assault men. I imagine that cases like those are even less reported due to homophobia.

I like "sheeple." :)

Also, I don't know for a fact that my college has been honest about every crime committed on campus, but I do know our admins were very open and honest with us about what was reported. I can only speak for the two institutions I have had direct experience with; I don't mean to imply that yours or any other

Because I was involved in helping report cases of abuse and develop an awareness program with the administration. I'm sorry if you read in my comment that the only schools that cover up rape were listed, and those that do not cover up rape were not. That is not what I am saying.

I think my school was an average example, and all schools should be striving to do better. I cannot speak to having to personally report rape at any of the schools listed, but I know for a fact that some schools do cover up instances of rape and violence, and that's why the federal investigation is appropriate. I

I agree with you on the advocacy of students and faculty point, and that sexual assault is an equal issue across all schools, but I do think that these schools are listed because their administration does not properly address the issues. I'm a "townie" for one of the schools listed, and know for a fact that the

This is so heartbreaking. It's important to note that while these women probably have been raped, (could we really even assume they were not?) the media referring to them as "brides" or "wives" may protect them from violence and shame they may further encounter if they are freed. I'm not saying this is in anyway

I was taught never to flush anything that was not from me or TP. I can't believe people flush things like handy wipes, tampons, condoms, not to mention Rx all ends up in our water.

Do you mean chiton like the style of toga? I'm not sure how it relates to modification, or is it a lack of modification because it draped?

I never studied Spartan fashion specifically, can you give me some info? I'm intrigued. Did they forgo ornamentation or clothing? I do consider exercise as a form of body modification, I kind of see it as internal corseting. Periods that idealize the natural self absolutely count as fashion, to me anyway.

I studied fashion history in graduate school, and one of the only fashion commonalities across time and culture is people's willingness to alter their physical appearance to satisfy their need for a cultural standard of beauty. I personally don't see fashion or beauty as strictly modern concerns, but that's is

The history of fashion across all cultures and times involves some form of body transformation/modification to fit a beauty standard. If women really want to spend money on this, it is their choice; and definitely an improvement from fashionable improvements that are done to children without their consent. I myself