Penny Dreafull

"Uhhhhhh, as IF!"

Well put, it is a luxury to enjoy work. Thinking that their is a "dream job" is as dangerous as thinking having a relationship will bring you total happiness, or having a child will, or having that car, home, etc. Life is about compromises, managing expectations, and letting your dreams evolve and change, and work

Well put, especially the concept of categorizing people's belief systems. This has been on my mind a lot lately, as I'm about to become a parent. I want very much to provide a moral compass or code for my daughter, but it will absolutely not be in the form of organized religion. Both my husband and I identify as

Kate's boobs are amazing. If it was true that she sometimes get's sick of them, I understand...big boobs are heavy.

You should write one!

I'm a fashion professor, and one of my Hindu students did a presentation on traditional Hindi dress. She dressed another student in her sari, and brought in bindi's for the whole class. I asked her if it was appropriate for me to wear one as a married woman, and she told me that the bindi has a very wide

I feel like this happens all the's why I left the church! (one of many reasons)

I guess so. It never even occurred to me that people would examine fictional worlds for real world belief systems.

I posted the same question. Two good answers pointed out the lack of religion in the books, or atheism. Almost as bad as the satanism in Harry Potter!


Ah, I get it.

What is the religious viewpoint in Hunger Games? I missed that part of the story.

Oh my god, good for you for sticking it out. I love how the students think we don't talk to each other.

If you can't laugh you will cry. I'm on maternity leave and just found out a student tried to convince my sub that all my tests are open book....I warned my sub ahead of time to watch out for that one. :)

I'm a teacher and I could go on and on. I'll just muse: what are the chances Jackie will ever be happy when she realizes she can't white out life?

I'm a teacher and I could go on and on. I'll just muse: what are the chances Jackie will ever be happy when she realizes she can't white out life?

If you do want to have a nice, adult conversation with out abusive language, I would be happy to oblige.

you can start by getting your head out of the toilet. :)

You are completely right regarding GMO's and the political machine. Consumers have a right to know. Maybe if there was more accountability, GMO science would help solve problems, instead of relying on blood money from toxic combinations of seeds and pesticide that give us cancer.