Penny Dreafull

Thank you! This is very helpful!

It's weird, I don't tell other parents how to do anything since every kid is so unique, and I've been so upset when people have judged my choices. However, I am very vocal about what I want to do for my kids, which is probably why I get a lot of...."oh you say that now," or "well actually, you may be depriving

Thank you.

I was a nanny for several kids in college, and the little girl I watched who was literally addicted to was traumatizing. All the kids I watched who had tech limitations and restrictions had better reading and also social skills.

We're going to try to do the same, no TV before 2. I find most of my peers criticize this, but I think they feel guilty for using technology as a babysitter. My parents did the same, and limited my TV to only an hour a day until hhigh school. I'm down for moderation, but after the appropriate age. I was a nanny for

We're going to try to do the same, no TV before 2. I find most of my peers criticize this, but I think they feel guilty for using technology as a babysitter. I'm down for moderation, but after the appropriate age. I was a nanny for several kids in college, and the little girl I watched who was literally addicted to

Good for Lupita, she is hardworking and talented. As far as I can tell, Lupita is not trying to erase her Blackness by accepting this opportunity, and hopefully her work for this campaign will inspire brands like Lancome to expand and revisit their product offerings. Also, skin lightening and whitening products are

This study is lame. So is the whole veg vs. non-veg "debate." Eat what you feel is right, but educate yourself on the foods that feed you.

Beckham is great at marketing. Like all other celebrity designers, she most likely has a team of designers who sew, draw, understand textiles, etc. Then she puts her name on it. This is not fashion design. D&G is not jealous, just speaking facts.

My three rescue babies. When I move to a bigger house I plan on more. :)

If relatives help pay for things, set some boundaries. My mother paid for the floral arrangements, and gave them to her sisters. I could have cared less. My mother in law, however, shit a brick and is still talking about the people who "stole" the flowers eight years later.

I find high pitched voices annoying and un-sexy period; I don't care if the owner is male or female. Even my cat with the high pitched meow annoys me. Barry White rules.

I am ignorant on this, what is the preferred way of saying someone cannot speak? Would you say someone is deaf mute or is hearing-speaking impaired better?

I'm so dumb. (from the east coast) I though Skid Row was from LSH.

I am not at all surprised that a Christian school would punish a child for not conforming to their traditional standards and then not take responsibility for their actions.

You are so brave to survive so many kinds of abuse. My experience in speaking with LDS women on sex and gender roles left a bad taste in my mouth. I knew a girl who went to BYU and was asked by a professor not to wear a backpack because it accentuated her breasts and distracted her male classmates. She tried to

Jeff, I was surprised I was not called a pedophile; it's a shame you were. I'm a teacher, and I am shocked by what some young people wear to school. I guess I'm pretty conservative, but I think that in a professional environment, young people should be dressing themselves appropriately. I think is is especially an

This is why "Girls" exists.

The policy is sexist and dumb, but I don't think school is a place for wedgies and camel toe.

I think that if leggings are so tight that they are transparent, show panties, or give you a wedgie or camel toe, they are detracting and in poor taste.