Penny Dreafull

Yes! Several years ago, my sister, a government employee, came into contact with a large non-vaccinated group through work, contracted measles, and almost died. Her MMR was up to date, but apparently she had almost no antibodies left. You can go to CDC website and take a quiz which shows which vacs to get when...I

Thank you for this!!! (and for your humor, as this is very upsetting) I am 8 months pregnant, and getting my TdaP booster shortly. I plant to get a MMR booster as soon as my daughter is born. My husband travels to NYC for work...I am expecting him to get vaccine boosters. Several years ago, my sister, a


The PETA part was a joke. I did not know what their stance was on abuse; that is sad.

Hopefully Lux finds a better situation....if they give him away for "attacking" a baby, he will be put down. :( Pets and babies need supervision when together....and kicking a cat is horrible, he could have damaged organs or broken ribs. Someone call PETA.

Good luck! You are very brave and should be applauded for being an advocate for your own health. Definitely miss your boobies if they need to be removed, but you are more then boobies, you're a brave woman who is being heroic.

Yeah! I was a very happy slut and then lived with my now husband for two years before we "made it legal." (We were engaged so out Catholic/Baptist families would not die of heart attacks.) 10 Years together and counting, still madly in love!

I'm from Princeton and I'm really sad this dumbass capitalizes on the school to further her BS 15 minutes. I wonder who she had non-mistake sex with to get in?

Hope your day got better, and you found someone to talk to!

I can't figure out how this dumb bitch got into Princeton.

I was hoping that the show was complete terrifying.

"Studies Show that no matter what women do, someone has a problem and shits all over their choices." The focus should be on using all resources to feed a healthy, happy baby; I plan on both breast and formula, and putting outside opinions aside for a well fed daughter.

I absolutely love this show, and I am totally on board with your idea of men failing women. (We've discussed this while watching.) What I can't figure out is how the portrayal of women as slut/mom, slut/daughter, slut/victim, slut/slut, etc. does not bother me on this show, when other media, such as "Forrest Gump,"

"There is no liberation movement that has not been meat for the absorptive power of capitalism." What a sad way to look at the progress made in human rights.

America wants to solve every problem with a pill, and I applaud anyone who goes against the propaganda produced by the big Pharmas. All women should have as many choices and birth control methods as possible. I have never taken birth control, never had an unwanted pregnancy, and never had an STD. (Condoms? Anyone hear

Well spoken Amycee! I think that the "rules" that give the illusion of control give a false sense of security and "bargaining." "If I do this, then that will never happen." If only it was that simple. Best of luck to you and your future pregnancies; you will be a great mom!

Thank you for this well researched gem. I'm 5 months and can't tell you how shocked I am by the contradictory studies, opinions, and shocking judgment people have for pregnant women and their choices.