Penus Fyre

Maybe Suicide Squad should’ve been made into something like a musical movie instead of a thriller that stars a ragtag band of misfits in the tradition of those cowboy flicks, when it fails at both.

So it stinks, this movie we’ve been thrashed with for the last 6 months.

It’s always important to remember that how you react to something is individual, and not universal, and so maybe it isn’t all that important in the scheme of things (reworded: it’s not about you).

@Adam: Rubenstien is just really negative. As someone with a long-term disability, I think what you did was awesome, and super thoughtful and generous. PS: You can also dismiss negative comments if you’d like even after you reply to them (I just erased one of this same person’s comments to me, also very negative).

Gary Johnson said he’d give me a piggyback ride if I published this

Funny, Gizmodo is in a Jill Stein bashing tizzy. Wonder who’s paying for this

Good luck. You’ll see soon enough.

As someone who has been disabled and laying in bed for 3 years due to a chronic disabling degenerative illness, and is literally (as in today) about to go into major spinal surgery with a minimum six month recovery time plus extensive physical therapy, I would WEEP with joy if someone was so thoughtful as to help buy

HA! I was so looking forward to this movie because I thought it was really about being a “bad” mom, like a mom that starts a divorce because she finds feminism (not that this would make her truly a “bad” mom, but you know what I am saying). If this is all about good moms not being perfect then FUCK THAT. Also, why oh

In fairness, it does appear that the writer really enjoyed her cruise experience, and so did her family. She reported some little-known unpleasant facts about the industry. Not the same as shitting all over someone’s vacation choices, which is frankly rude and should not have happened to you. Whoever did that is

I don’t get how there can ever be leftover nachos.

She was such a gem. She was constantly complaining about everything, but she still somehow always managed to brighten my day.

Is there something wrong with having leftover nachos for breakfast?

So... I have a different take in a general sense. Because I was actually part of a group of moms that staged a successful coup of our elementary school PTA from a band of perfect moms that ran it for about 5 years prior. For real. And in the end we turned it into a uber-successful non-profit that raised funds for

I studied Russian and lived there for a bit, and damn this is so old school hardcore Russian it makes me smile.

I used to work with this little old Russian lady who had an interesting philosophy. To paraphrase, “Life is shit. Everything will probably go horribly wrong tomorrow. Have a good day.”

Every morning I’d ask her how she was, and she’d respond, “Feh! Life is shit. I am miserable. Everything hurts. It’s good to be alive!”

This is awesome!! I truly love that Disney is so committed to the make a wish organization. I read they are the largest contributor with all the trips they organize. Way to go the extra mile for a family going through such a dark time!!

The statistic about 273 disappearances on cruises is meaningless without more context. How many people went on cruises in those 20 years? What’s the ratio of disappearances on other kinds of vacations compared to the total number of people taking those kinds of vacations? For all we know (and really, I have no idea, I

The more recent Disney movies where the princess actually is the mistress of her own fate (Brave, Frozen, to an extent Tangled) are a lot better in that regard. My daughter has some Barbies and plenty of Disney stuff, but prefers the more gender-neutral Pixar movies to traditional Disney princess flicks. Also, she

You can do some great things on the kitsch cruise too. We found out a Make-a-Wish kid was on our February cruise ahead of time. The crafters from the Fish Extender groups on DisBoards and Facebook joined to “adopt” her family’s two rooms. We collected enough money on board to decorate their rooms (Star Wars), get them