Penus Fyre

I used an automated song generator using the most metal words. Here’s the song:

Megadoilies next album is gonna rock y'all!


Where do "Antiquing", "Charcuterie", and "Sommelier" land on the list? I may be making a fancy metal song.

“In a world where (minotaurs) have taken over the (mall), humanity must (wave red capes) to (save money during Sears Summer Days).”

This. Didn’t see your comment before I posted, but honestly, he’s just missing something by Kahlil Gabran.

Jared Leto has the bookshelf of a precocious sixteen-year-old boy. Ayn Rand and Herman Hesse should not be your favorite authors unless you stopped reading novels in high-school, just like Fight Club and A Clockwork Orange should not be your favorite movies.

What is the ostensible reason not to allow an inmate to shower? It's amazing to me the depth of torture we allow prison guards to inflict upon inmates for no reason at all.

Has anyone actually read that awful, repetitive monologue towards the end of the book because, when I read it, I just started skipping ahead until he was done verbally masturbating.

Her poor mother has said that it feels like it’s completely fresh again. What a lot of people don’t remember is that this was THE main news story of 2001 (May) until 9/11 happened. I can’t even imagine what her mother is going through right now.

The number of times I’ve heard the phrase “it’s not good versus evil, it’s bad versus evil” is starting to give me one giant hemorrhoid.

Can this movie just come out already? It's gonna bomb (or at least seriously underperform), and no amount of marketing can cover that up.


Do we know what song that’s to? Because all I can see is “I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the maaaaaaaaap!”


Generally I like the mix of fashion and music. I blame George Michael. In theory I should be all for this, but holy jesus Balmain is SO RELENTLESSLY UGLY. It hurts my eyes to look at it. It is too much of everything all at once. Ugh.

This is ignorant on too many levels please have a seat

high-end trash culture.

I wish instead of models it had just been the whole Kardashian family. Khloe, Caitlyn, Scott, the whole gang.