Penus Fyre

Double down. Print out this picture and put it on his desk:

This seems like an odd route to take to try and raise the money to finish building the Olympic venues.

Exactly. Bernie was a good candidate, just not the winning one. Voting for the Clinton is not a negation of Sanders. It’s the chance to move in his direction.

I was a Bernie supporter, but guess what, he lost. As much as I wanted him to be the nominee, I absolutely don’t want Trump in office. So the only thing I can do is to support Hillary, who is now the best chance we have to keep him out of office.

Not just you.

What is wrong with these people? Petulant children!

love it. she must have been quite fed up, trying to talk over the loudest people in the room. remember folks, 300 people shouting is louder than 3000 people being quiet. Bernie/third party voters are out-numbered, and they’re screaming awful loud.

It’s, like, layered misogyny. Raucously negating a female who is speaking in support of a female.

Wait, if John Spartan wipes his ass with the law and Judge Dredd is the law, then, in the future, Sylvester Stallone wipes his ass with himself. Man. What a time to be alive.

I had this plate taken away from me 2 years ago. I still miss it. Virginia Jazz League represent!


A vegetarian lady was denied this plate.

Yes, that was the crux of Peter Thiel’s speech in some ways. Let’s forget bathroom ussues for trans people because they are part of the “culture wars” and are distractions compared to real economic issues. Which is fine and dandy for Peter to say as a rich white guy, but they are not diatractions for people being

Taylor and all of her squad did a blood sacrifice so she could date him and not have the world turn against her, Selena ruined the pentagram which is why she wasn’t invited to the 4th of July party and why Kim was able to completely destroy her on snapchat. I hope that no one else has thought of that possibility

going from midlife crisis’d, drunk bloat’d, coke sweat’d dad rock fading actor’d dipshit to a benevolent space dictator?

His campaign is literally clown shoes.

Not really. If you cook them all the way through, you have little chance of getting sick. They just don’t taste good. I worked in Africa for years, and sometimes ate meat that had never been refrigerated and was days old (in the heat). As long as you cook the shit out of it, you won’t get sick.