Penus Fyre

Did they look like this?

It’s a weird process in and of itself, when you really think about it. YOU MADE A PERSON WITH YOUR BODY. And now you are responsible for keeping alive!!! Whaaaaaat???

You just described my relationship with Dave Grohl.

A few years back, they played a free concert at a community festival I went to, and I could not BELIEVE how many hits they have... I always liked 3eb, I graduated high school in 2000 and I’m a middle class white kid, so I’m the right audience. But they played song after song that was a big hit, and I was like, that’s

Their music is nearly entirely anthems for 90s rich kid hippie liberal stoners, no?

You’re all individuals!

shup and sit down, it was all done by God.

Third Eye Woke.

Bad news— 90s rich kid liberal stoners are now Republicans.

This. Now THIS is some intelligent, high-level trolling.

Yassssss my 3eb and Stephan Jenkins crush is reignited. I love the self awareness that not playing the hits was a form of punishment. Also news to me that they're popular with Republicans? Their music is nearly entirely anthems for 90s rich kid hippie liberal stoners, no?

It’s perpetual Sunday on the sun

For the crime of being abused by her football boyfriend, I’m bracing for horrible stories about this woman being sent death threats over fucking with Buckeye football and ruining this man’s career. FOOTBAW NIGHT IN MURICA

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

This. My husband and I just had our first (and probably only kid). I am 38. He is 45. About three weeks into it he said, “Man, you know, I am a little disappointed in one thing. I thought I would finally get to experience what it feels like to be an adult.”

I think back to being 13 and how the upper 6th girls (17, 18) still seem so much more mature than I now. I’m way over 30.

Right? I know I don’t feel like an “adult” but thought maybe it’s because I don’t have kids. But it turns out my friends with kids still don’t feel like adults.

Oddly, I have never noticed Matt Damon’s veneers. But Ben Affleck’s have always been SO distracting to me!