Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put the fast food industry on notice when he proposed to raise fast food…
Pugs don’t understand the term “babysitter” and are too proud to ask for clarification.
You know, I usually don’t like to throw around the “I’m a military wife” card but there are a lot of misunderstandings in this thread.
Buuuut, if you can afford to pay $60 for a tab, you should give more than a quarter for a tip.
The way things are going these days it's a wonder anyone tips. I feel for the waiter. After all, the soldier was willing to spend $60 on himself. Just say'in.
Bravo for Miley Cyrus doing something for people in need in her own country. Not that they deserve it more, but i think alot of people accidentally forget about people in need in their neighborhood when donating.
This is a good move! Also also can we talk about how the top selling preorder is the Funko Pop Black Widow from AoU?
SLEEVES. This was my endless quest. To the person who asked for sleeves, I also really wanted sleeves when I got married last year! You could try what I did out of desperation: Chop a sleeved dress in half (have a tailor put some elastic on the bottom) and stick it on top of a skirt you like! It was really cheap…
“Doctor” Ablow is the worst garbage human pretending to be a doctor on this green earth, and this universe also contains a “doctor” Oz, so that’s really saying something. I’m incapable of directly wishing harm on anyone, but if he were to accidentally fall into an active volcano I wouldn’t exactly be clawing the…
....aaaand one of the first replies is a completely out-of-nowhere misogynist slur. Keep it classy, Kotaku commentariat!
I can see what the program was going for here, but I think they missed some marks. A) SO HETERO-NORMATIVE. I was a domestic violence hotline advocate for years, and many people experience domestic violence across a spectrum of relationships. A lot of folks don’t seek help because they don’t think the system can help…
There might be. He’s a “perfect” victim. He’s a great student, and comes from a good family.
For literally nothing. He didn’t commit a single crime: