
Probably because it’s the end of the day so I’m having a hard time reading the article too but ultimately it resonated with me.

I feel you. I depend on financial aid which (of course) is based partly on my grades. Guess what happened to my GPA after a required course based on group projects? I got assigned with douchebags who only cared about literally getting the bare minimum to pass and did 0 work on time, if at all. So I talked to the

was it A Killer Among Friends?

My favorite part of the video, though, has to be where he takes everyone to task for talking about how much money he makes, but not the boatload he’s raised for charity, too. He’s got a point—but it’s harder to gripe about Pewdiepie using money for good, I guess.

Race dysphoria can be a thing! Most of the time that I see it legitimately referenced (as in, not as a white person appropriating other cultures), it refers to transracial adoptions - kids who were adopted by parents of different races and therefore grow up in a different culture.

It’s not a dress! It’s like a cape/shawl type of thing, you can see her pink dress peeking out from underneath in some of the other photos.

$7,700 sounds like a lot but those bras are overpriced like hell. Don’t condone it but still.. some respect for lifting such a big haul at once.

Feels a little bulky to use but otherwise ok. Very informative. I used it to look at credit cards and found it a bit difficult to compare as a beginner. Still, a good start as I learned about cards that weren’t on my radar.

I was totally on board.. then I heard the voice acting. Immediate cringe and do not want.

Rejection hurts, even if it’s just as simple as a touch. But your hurt feelings don’t trump someone else’s comfort level.. and not everyone is going to protest. Some will sit and seethe because they’ve been taught it’s impolite to tell others off by people with the same mindset as you. And when confronted, they would

If that’s in your comfort zone, sure. But not everyone is comfortable with freely touching each other, even in an innocuous place like the shoulder. Also, it’s not up to you to define what people are comfortable with - it’s up to the person you’re trying to touch.

I prefer the hoverhand. Just because we’re taking a picture together doesn’t mean we have to pretend to be best buds, nor does it give you permission to touch me - especially without asking beforehand.

In case people can’t visualize it. Forty one is more than the number of students in a typical classroom. Even some colleges/universities boast classroom sizes smaller than that. I can’t stomach watching anything of Cosby’s anymore.

Da means “big” in Mandarin and Mike (Mai-kuh) is probably just a breakdown of how to say Mac. Still a Big Mac!

Huge thank you to the people involved who made sure it was about allowing transwomen to be sexual rather than sexualizing/fetishizing transwomen.

Noncompliance with these certain rules and regulations just means the government reduces the benefits one can receive. They still contribute and still benefit from the other benefits the government provides like public utilities and regulations.

I got so psyched about the Disney Mulan announcement that I watched this! So good, so satisfying, but so SAD. I bawled my eyes out for 80% of the movie. Tissues are a must.

His legs look better than mine! Dang..

Send them another glitter-infested card referencing their actual bombings and see if they have the guts to post about that.