The Bond franchise wishes it could move like a Mission Impossible movie.
The Bond franchise wishes it could move like a Mission Impossible movie.
Back in 1965, composer Lalo Schifrin was probably thinking, “This is a pretty good score, not bad for a TV show.” Now, nearly 60 years later, you could argue that the opening bars are as iconic as anything John Williams came up with. Of course, I would recognize a number of different John Williams compositions, and…
The final 20 minutes of Fallout are a master class in sustained tension. The MI movies have me thinking that Christopher McQuarrie is one of the most interesting directors working in Hollywood today.
Can’t see this beating Fallout. That movie was a machine. It being just a ‘Part 1' will surely take an edge off. But I’m sure it will be entertaining.
I have seen so many of these movies on cable or airplanes, rolling my eyes and saying, “ugh, this fucking guy” and been completely blown away by the movie.
As big as Tom Cruise is (so to speak), imagine how big of a star he’d be if he didn’t have to contend with his own bad PR.
Fair. I’m being conventional, and Kirby, Atwell, and Ferguson are all pretty conventionally attractive.
If the NY Rangers didn’t have a game 5 playoff game this thursday night, I would run out after work to see Top Gun 2! That fucker Tommy boy has his hooks in me! ;)
Czerny’s just as much of an asshole as he was in the ‘90s! Welcome back!
Just rewatched Fallout the other day, and goddamn, that movie moves like a freight train. It’s two and a half hours long, but feels like 90 minutes.
This crazy mother fucker, just take my money you nut! I wish I could quit you but since the outsiders I can’t! Fuck me!
I’m sold. This trailer slaps. Fallout had the best action/suspense climax I’ve seen in a long time, and if they manage to top that - or even just equal it - I’ll be leaving the cinema a very happy man.
See, now we’re comparing Indiana Jones/pulp Adventuring style costuming to dressing up as a Nazi, and I feel like this demonstrates how ridiculous this argument is.
That’s the Kobiyashi Maru of this. Do it like they did? Problematic as laid out. Do it like you said? Appropriation. Don’t do it at all? Erasure. There is no winning move here.
Yup, the whole “Curse them if they do. Curse them if they don’t”.
You see by putting in that proviso they get to sweep that interpretation of their article to the side as illegitimate. I don’t make the rules, but that’s how they work. This allows them to then proceed to engage in the overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation, because at the end of the day that’s much easier than…
Maybe they thought that dressing up in traditional attire of cultures that aren’t their own as white people would’ve been 10x worse.
So....a solution? Sounds like you don’t want them to explore these cultural identifiers and the explorer-genre tropes. Should half the cast be fired and people you find “approved” be playing this game?
“This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”
The Expanse started out great and has gotten better with every new season. I can’t understand why it gets so little love from critics. Just a few mentions here and there.
I’m with ya. If the show can carry the tension and mystery and suspense thru 5 seasons then I’m all for it. It’s hard to see how it can, though.