
The fact that Nakia is played by Nupita Nyong’o is probably the best argument to turn her into the Black Panther. Letitia Wright is a great actress, but she’s not the acting powerhouse that Lupita is. 

Funny story about Game of Thrones: it’s how I got starred on io9 back in the days, when I replied something insightful to Charlie Jane’s review of the ninth episode of season one. This was the main paragraph of the reply here :

“Exactly the way he had planned on it” is a hell of an hyperbole, if not a flat out lie, considering GRRM said himself this of the finale in his blog:

Well it is called “Game of Thrones” after all. So technically it fits.

The pilot was good, but two things stood out as incredible to me: the intro in Tulsa, which was terrifying, and the soundtrack. Reznor and Ross are such amazing mood setters.

Damn, I thought that trailer song was Carol’s theme, it’s much better than the actual theme.

Get in line, Green Book, Skyfall was already waiting in line!

There is Curse of Strahd, which is considered their best adventure in 5e yet. Which is great considering some of the other adventures are phenomenal (Storm King’s Thunder, Out of the Abyss and the starter set Lost Mine of Phandelver are great material).

To be honest and although you are right, it’s not the only reason: Diet Coke is as tasteless as a Bud Light while Coke Zero has more aromas, mostly vanilla. I’m far from an eager Coke drinker, but I can enjoy the Coke Zero, not so much the Diet Coke.

Ned was loyal to Robert and never intended to usurp him, he just didn’t want him to kill Jon in his eradication of all living Targaryens.

Have to agree with you here. According to the prophecy, Tommen is supposed to die before her. Can’t wait to see if the Valonqar part is coming true too...

Wouldn’t be better if it were called “Deviant” or something instead of Detroit: Become Human? I love Quantic Dream, but that name seems pretty... unattractive.

It’s been said somewhere that young, inexperienced directors are more easily controlled than established directors. Trevorrow, Trank, Marc Webb, The Russo bros and etc. have less of an artistic stand than, say, PTA, Wes Anderson, Spielberg or Fincher. And these directors rarely accept to do a movie where they don’t

1. Seeing how Margaery spoke to Loras 2 or 3 episodes ago and Margaery’s face when Jaime and the Flower Power showed up, I’m pretty sure she took it upon herself to get her out of the walk of atonement and convinced Tommen to join the Sparrow in order to take back the power. “If you can’t beat them join them”, as they

Well, since Melisandre is rumored to be not only old, but very, very old, as in “centuries”, I guess it finally puts to rest the theory implying that magic came back with the hatching of Daenerys dragons.

This is by far the best explanation of the scene there is. Thanks, you’re totally right!

Technically Tommen is a Baratheon... But I see you point, yeah.

They are even making sure the image of her short shorts is burned in our male brains with that trailer...

He recently played one of the most iconic villains of science-fiction history. Although we’re all trying to forget it...

You should never eat the noble dish of poutine with anything other than fries, cheese curds and brown sauce. Adding anything else is denaturalizing it!