It wasn’t the contact lenses that caused the damage, it was the panicked reaction to pain. Eyes that burn need to be flushed with fresh water, not dug at with fingernails.
It wasn’t the contact lenses that caused the damage, it was the panicked reaction to pain. Eyes that burn need to be flushed with fresh water, not dug at with fingernails.
Being “serious” and “taking yourself too seriously” is the difference between “profound” and “pretentious”. King Lear’s got jokes.
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies…
Oh, sweetie.
In Poland, where this game was made, discussion and representations of sexual acts or human bodies are much more socially accepted than in the US.
Sorry prude. :)
I’m running at just about 250 hours, according to Steam; that’s across two complete playthroughs, and three that I cut short (either because I picked the wrong save file from The Witcher 2, or because I got distracted by another game).
The only other two RPGs that have ever gripped and held my interest like this are Fin…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again this so reminds me of The Shivering Isles for Oblivion. As the colour and design seem so foreign to the game, a beautiful land untouched by war. It’s more Witcher 3 but different enough to feel new. Exactly what Expansion should be. It’s why when the Witcher 3 says “Expansion”…
It’s really easy to see I think what made it so impressive, all the care and time that went in. Every quest felt like it was written by people who cared from the epic showdown with the Wild Hunt to the crazy women with a frying pan.
So Hardhome was garbage? What about daznaks pit? Last stand of Ser Barristan? Arya in Bravos??
Sigh......... Fans like you are the ones complaining how 250 item buffet has run out of butter!!
Couple reasons. For one, Ned and Catelyn barely knew each other. She’d originally been betrothed to his older brother, who was killed by Aerys. Ned agreed to marry her in his stead, and they grew to care for one another, but they were essentially strangers when he brought Jon home. How would he know if she was…
I pointed this out before, but the artwork in both games is heavily influenced by the art of Eyvind Earle, an artist who did background work on early Disney movies and later branched into a very successful painting career in California. I have yet to play these games, but now I think have to, if only for the art…
“Stand your ground” laws are widely misunderstood. They aren’t some license to kill. All they mean is that your right to self-defense isn’t abridged by a duty to retreat. They place the burden on your attacker, which is exactly where it belongs.
Simplified or not, Mass Effect 2 and 3 were fantastic for the most part.
Just because you dont like them anymore doesnt mean they suck.
I want to believe...but neither of those swords looks like it could be Dawn. And wouldn’t you want to show the most famous swordsman in the history of Westeros fighting with arguably the most famous sword?
you gotta be kidding with me. that scene is still one of the best sex scenes in video games. and how can I take your opinion seriously when you show an ass creed game as better example?
So there’s a few things here. One, Harding is kind of representative of an earlier period in esports / streaming culture. So him getting fired like this for “being himself” is one of those moments where you can actually see a cultural shift happening.
As I’ve made clear, I am very fond of Cerys, the takes-no-shit Queen (in my game) of Skellige. Thus, I am also quite…