
Andrea Dworkin vs Ayn Rand

I know this was their one opportunity to release their new joint brand product of soda with skittles floating on the top.

If anything we need to continue the CRASH

Must of gone downhill after i looked at it or i didn't go deeper enough since the ones i saw were like worthy and reasonable.

You can add the Kinja comment engine that the Gawker lot use too, one can only imagine the nightmare of dealing with column inch threads and constant embeds of even smaller YouTube videos if it were implemented here.

So what about the lock from Now You See Me then? Does the alleged significance it holds not imbue it with the same need for such wanton villainy?

Given the the time constraints of one day then there's only one non-British hero who can operate and succeed in such conditions and that is TEC officer Max Walker

Which leads to confused marketing as certain people try to contact the film using said "address".


Yeah I just realised that hence the double post, you know, for posterity.

Mazel tov.

If you allow for the incorporation of modern technology then instead of having a bunch of photographers using flash bulb cameras it would be smartphones and tablets, the cumulative flashes might reduced but the addition of the shutter effect tone should more than make up for it.

I can…

Actually it sounds more like that Emilio Estevez directed and Martin Sheen starring movie but with the son replaced by the wife, the dad the husband and the humour and depth replaced by a dour colour palette and troll logic.

(Siberian husky(?) lifts head up)

Better yet, she could All About Eve her, more relevant and appropriate than Single White Female ing her.

So that's who she was wrestling with, i gotta say my father is a much better wrestler than you.

I thought the observation was supposed to be that she looks like Adam Scott in a wig.

Bring it on…again.

I don't know, she might have to keep an eye on Angela Robinson who is black and gay. BAMM!! Twofer minority!