
Unless that dancer's troubled past is that she slept with some pretentious, beautiful asshole who never contacted her afterwards i frustratingly doubt it.

"I don't care for Ghostbusters"

But I'd just as soon keep workin', though, keep a little change in my pocket. Better than listenin' to some dipshit, doesn't know what the hell she's talkin' about, anyway!

How? Her bewbs need to be much bigger and I can't recall her ever going: KAWAII DESU~!! >,<

Same here! No offense intended

Awesome at telling thousands of lies that is…that is what you were going to say, right @oasisblues:disqus ?

Or he really is a 51 year old paedophile.

Really? He looks more like a beefed up version of Russell Howard (UK stand-up) to me.

Well after buying all the material needs and wants, i would probably have to set aside a portion of money to buy off anyone who ask/complain about why I'm not working because you just know that will come up and that is what it comes down to - they want what I have but for the majority of them they will never attain it

Pretty sure it went to removing some of those pesky thetans.

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus Though he did have bouts of darkness within him as seen in that episode half where he learns Karate and lashes out that poor fellow who then had to walk home (presumably, i hope…) with his trousers down crying. I liked that one.

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus Though he did have bouts of darkness within him as seen in that episode half where he learns Karate and lashes out that poor fellow who then had to walk home (presumably, i hope…) with his trousers down crying. I liked that one.