
You can, but remember it has be after someone mentions The Wire.

A commenter from AV Club's past returns to wreak havoc SPOILER: it biastoc

Love is love, Chris.

That is not a Beefeater…in SPACE!!

The body of one already does, the jammy git.

Wait until Take me out is imported/adapted then you'll have all this BS distilled into one or two episodes with factory like efficiency, seriously the "dudes" comes on stage one at a time via a tube where he then goes through a QA review via women with lights that indicate yay or nay then if the goods pass muster then

Well the cynical viewpoint would suggest that it is done so people don't have to think to much on what they are looking at, no ruminating on the meaning and effect of the sum of visual content, "tell, don't show".

Not everyone can rely on their future selves to gift them with such a tome to profit upon, butthead!

She's certainly one of the more popular if not respected commenters here to boot… wait you have a statbook on us all?!

I know, where's the man in her life that will validate her and her accomplishments.

Jerry Seinfeld doesn't care.

Two different words:

Must be frustrating for them knowing they can only do it once.

Sorry to interrupt but anyone care to ponder the downvotes going on here (and it appears below)?

Yes but as Slimer demonstrated in Ghostbusters 2 they're incapable of swallowing…

Yet there is still the … WOLF EYES!!

As well as many attempts to illustrate it on deviant art.

Betcha he does this by putting out a notice that says "No blacks"

That and Rumtuggle, BAMF incarnate.

What has that Spider-man villain got to do with it and more to the point i was under the impression he wasn't that popular? Is that why you hated to say it?