
As someone who quit paying attention to the NFL the turn of the millennium (I live in a market without a team), I was pleasantly surprised to discover that they exist again while discussing this show with a friend.

Randall Park is Korean and doesn't feel like his Chinese accent is good enough to not come off as stereotypical/affected. Plus the fact that Louis was out selling people mattresses in English while Jessica was at home probably gave him more time to improve his pronunciation.

Its a little known fact that 14% of Taiwanese women can teleport.

You had to go to another room and boot up AOL to do that in '96.

They're obviously doing a lot to tone down the Silver Age insanity to please the nerdbros, but at the core of Avengers there's tons of camp, and they don't really try to hide it.

At least they didn't go for leather fetish outfits like Fox's X-Men or soulless grey and banal philosophizing like Nolan. Its amazing that nearly ten years into the MCU, nobody else seems to have figured out how to do camp on the big screen.

Henderson's art is sort of like 70s-80s Kirby, in that everyone has a pretty similar face and looks really weird most of the time. She's like Kamandi if Kamandi was a girl, overweight and also a Saturday morning cartoon. I like it but I can definitely see why so many are turned off.

I would love a MAX-style comic where they go into Doreen's weird sex life.

IIRC she defeats him by telling him about a planet made of nuts.

I always thought she was Jewish.

They could just set it after the wedding night.

I prefer the idea of her driving around on some sort of newfangled gizmo on a convention floor.

Those censored knives really freaked me out the first time I saw them. Were they covered in swear words? Hardcore pornography? I was pretty disheartened to find out the real answer was more mundane.

I could seriously see Disney organizing a coup over copyright.

Naruto isn't familiar with gender pronouns, as, like Japanese, macaque lacks them.

Kenner didn't even put out a box with a promissory note like they did with Star Wars?

I love the drama at the gym when someone seems to be trying to change it and a much stronger guy looks him into the eye and the nerd who wanted to watch something else meekly goes away.

They make up for the porn by giving you TWO books of scripture for you to shamefully peruse after getting off.

Whenever I see that word in print I pronounce it "hyna" because "jaina" is (SoCal at leat) Chicano slang for a woman. When they announced that Daisy Ridley's character in would be named "Rey" (the type of name or middle name a 70-year old Mexican immigrant man might have), I was glad they replaced one name that would

Or Sebastian Shaw, for people who were 5 or older before 1997.