
There are like, 3 bat books where the protagonists seem to like superheroics, and Grant Morrison still loves his sun gods, and the new Dr Fate seems like a male Ms Marvel whose 5 years older, but other than that they're all horrible. Martian Manhunter is a serial killer or invader or something now for some reason.

It was created at the height of the network reality TV craze in 2002 to give writers jobs.

None of those bullshit CG boots nerds are so angry about George using in the prequels.

Or the Star Wars prequels, where the second was the very worst!

Guatemalans turned me into a werejaguar, though.

Are there huge sections of that in his memoirs? I never got around to reading that, but that sounds like a mistake a pre-Spielberg storyteller would make.

That is the whitest name i have ever heard.

If they did it with Philly or DC few would notice the difference

I too was twelve once.

I was old enough to have more or less given up on shonen anime when Naruto came out, but looking back on Dragon Ball Z, that show seriously could have lasted 26 episodes if the fight scenes hadn't unfolded over weeks. We would have had a two or three seasons of Dragon Ball where Goku goes on adventures and makes

I was in eighth grade when Naruto came out and i still thought it was stupid. If the version of me that liked Dragon Ball Z, Daredevil, and the third X-Men thought Naruto was idiotic adolescent male angst porn, I shutter to think what I would think of it now.

It really bugs me the way Evangelicals act like they represent all of Christianity. There are two billion Christians on the planet, the vast majority of whom aren't American middle class suburban white Protestants with weird puritan sex hangups and a bizarre affinity for low quality entertainment made by other white

Bruce has a lot more than autism. Depending on the writer and the current edition of the DSMV, he usually has 5-10 mental health issues.

With Peter Scolari as the Silver Surfer.

e-cigs have succeeded where the Surgeon General's Office has failed in finally making smoking completely uncool.

Yep. And now the Batman reruns are on IFC.

Yep. I only know about them because I started reading the comics and then began watching the show on Netflix.

I didn't realize this until now, but going over my iTunes I've realized I don't own a single North American rock album released after 2011 (and that's only if you count Fleet Foxes).

Please let Howard for President be a thing in Marvel Phase Three.

My Mexican mother in law loves Kevin James movies. It's the closest thing to the mid-century everyman Mexican slapstick satires she grew up on being put out by Hollywood, plus his daughter in the Blart movies is played by Raini Rodriguez (the older sister of Manny from Modern Family). He's sort of like a less funny