
Am I alone in thinking Ralphie May died some time back?

I don’t watch Suits but a few months ago I was talking to a co-worker about Scandal. And we were both saying how we don’t like it as much as we used to. Then I said but I still love her suits. And he thought I said I still love Suits and started talking about that show. It took me a minute to realize the confusion and

I grew up about 200 yards away from Grandma & Grandpa’s house. On the weekends, when my parents would dish up Grape Nuts cereal for me brother and I, we would hide it in the coffee table that had little doors, and we would make a beeline for Grandma’s house, where we would fill up on some sugary cereal that had

Am I wrong in kinda wanting the girl who used to date A-Hole to absolutely nuke his marriage? I mean, how else will he learn anything??

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

If I was Jimmy, I’d be more upset by the half assed execution.

Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.

They also love them some Fight Club. A novel, written by a gay man, that’s meant as a mockery of machismo culture. They ain’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

Looks like someone set his face on fire and stomped it out with golf cleats.

Arrests by FBI agents very rarely involve shooting, contrary to what you might think from movies etc. Partly because the arrests usually result from investigations, so they can be planned in advance, but also due to agents get a much higher level of training than most cops. I don’t think this was bias. They pursued

It’s face syphilis.

Up to five years?

It would be grossly irresponsible to allow a VBAC labor, assuming it was active labor, to continue for 34 hours.

I dunno, is that required? What’s the accepted standard for going for C-section; do they have to wait for obvious and definite fetal distress, or are signs of impending distress acceptable?

I wonder if they had waited until definite distress, whether some lawyer be raking them over the coals for not being proactive.

I’m curious why she was so against having another c-section after having two. It’s says she had an 8-month recovery, but I don’t know if that means there were complications or it just took that long to feel ‘normal.’

My husband makes the BEST Brussels sprouts. He infuses butter with crushed garlic, then takes the garlic out of the pan then puts in the sprouts (which are all chopped in half) flat side down and cooks them until they are crispy and fucking delicious.

Well lock me up and throw away the sea salt if they’re roasted right, cause I plead guilty.

I used to live in her hometown, and knew people that interacted with her, served her, and never heard anything bad about her. Ever. The worst I ever heard was she was awkward and kinda snobby (the area she lived in was VERY snobby, so it’s to be expected)

I know it’s not a popular sentiment, but maybe TS is not a total fake, shifty, friend using, boyfriend exploiting, Kanye bully? Just a thought.

Ok, I don’t want to overstep my boundaries here, but as a man I will say that your husband needs to get the fuck over himself, go jack off in a cup, and have the sperm tested.